Chapter 5: Advanced Motherboard Setup
IPMB (Optional)
An IPMB (IPMI Bus) header is lo- cated at J20 to support IPMI, a server management standard . Connect the appropriate cable from the IPMI daughter board to J20 to utilize IPMI on your system.
IP M B H e a d e r
P in D e finitio ns (J 2 0 )
P in |
N umber | D efinitio n |
1 | D ata |
2 | G round |
3 | C lock |
4 | No Connection |
An SMB (System Management Bus) header is located at J21. Connect the appropriate cable here to utilize SMB on your sys- tem.
Chassis Intrusion
A Chassis Intrusion header is lo- cated at JP57. Attach the appro- priate connector here to inform you of a chassis intrusion condi- tion.
S M B H e a d e r
P in D e finitio ns (J 2 1 )
Pin |
Number | Definition |
1 | Data |
2 | G round |
3 | Clock |
4 | No Connection |