Chapter 5: Advanced Motherboard Setup
Chassis/Overheat Fan
JP48 allows you to select to use either the chassis fan or the over- heat fan. The default position is closed to select the chassis fan. See the table on the right for jumper settings.
Watch Dog Enable
JP3 is used to enable or disable the Watch Dog function. This jumper is used together with the Watch Dog enable function in BIOS. Enable both the jumper and the BIOS setting to use the Watch Dog feature. See the table on the right for pin definitions.
LAN1 Enable/Disable
Change the setting of jumper JP54 to enable or disable the onboard LAN1 or NIC (Network Interface Card) on the motherboard. See the table on the right for jumper settings. The default setting is Enabled.
LAN2 Enable/Disable
Change the setting of jumper JP55 to enable or disable the onboard LAN2 or NIC (Network Interface Card) on the motherboard. See the table on the right for jumper settings. The default setting is Enabled.
C ha s s is /O ve rhe a t F a n S e le c t J um p e r S e tting s (J 4 8 )
P osition D efinition
O pen O verheat Fan
C losed Chassis Fan
W a tc h D o g Ena b le
J um p e r S e tting s (J P 3 )
Jumper |
Position | Definition |
O pen | Disabled |
Closed | Enabled |
L A N 1 (N IC ) E na b le /D is a b le J um p e r S e tting s
(J P 5 4 )
Jumper |
Position | Definition |
Pins | Enabled |
Pins | Disabled |
L A N 2 (N IC ) E na b le /D is a b le J um p e r S e tting s
(J P 5 5 )
Jumper |
Position | Definition |
Pins | Enabled |
Pins | Disabled |