3-1. +35V Over Current Protection Circuit
The over current protection circuit cuts off the power supply relay when it detects abnormal current increased in the +35V power line due to failure of the vertical deflection circuit.
3-1-1. Theory of Operation
Fig. 8-11 shows the circuit diagram of the over current protection circuit. When the load current of the +35V line increases, the voltage across a resistor of T370 will also increase.
When the voltage increases across R370. and the voltage developed across R371 becomes higher than the Vbs of Q370, Q370 turns on and a voltage develops across R374 due to the collector current flowing. When this voltage increases to a value higher than about 7V, Z801 operates, thus cutting off the power relay. When the circuit operates, a power LED provided will turn on and off in red.
| R370 |
| +35V |
R372 |
| C310 | D302 |
| ||
| |
| R371 |
| C370 |
D421 |
| Q370 |
| |
| 2SA933SQ |
| R373 | D370 |
| UZ11BSB |
| |
| |
| R375 |
| C371 |
| R374 |
FBT pin 6
To pin 14 (GATE) of Z801