4 Determining the status of a WWN card
The WWN bezel (logo plate) covers the WWN cards. The LEDs on the WWN cards are not visible unless the bezel is removed.
Enter the chassisShow command to display information about the WWN card. (WWN units correspond to information specific to the WWN card.) Error messages that may indicate problems with a WWN card are summarized in Table 8.
TABLE 8 | Messages that may indicate WWN card failure | |
| |
Type of message | Sample error message | |
| |
WWN unit fails its FRU (field | 0x24c (fabos): Switch: switchname, error | |
replaceable unit) header access. | ||
| |
WWN unit fails to power on | <timestamp>, | |
| or |
| <timestamp>, |
WWN unit is being faulted.
0x24c (fabos): Switch: switchname, Critical
WWN unit is not present or is not accessible.
0x24c (fabos): Switch: switchname, Error
Writing to the FRU history log | 0x24c (fabos): Switch: switchname, Error |
(hilSetFruHistory) has failed. | |
| failed, |
WWN unit insertion was detected | <timestamp>, |
| INFO, |
| detected. |
WWN unit removal was detected | <timestamp>, |
| INFO, |
Figure 17 displays the WWN bezel (logo plate). The WWN cards are under the bezel.
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