Philips SBC RU641/87 Make a Note of Your Code, Keep the remote control pointed at your equipment

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XP SBC RU 641/87 15-10-2001 12:49 Pagina 5




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Instructions for use

4 Press the power key to start the search. Make sure that you


keep the remote control pointed at your equipment.


– Each time the green LED flashes, another code is sent.


When the right code is found, the equipment switches off.


Immediately press the power key to stop the search.



If the green LED flashed again after the equipment


switched off, this means you missed the correct code! If


you missed the code, follow the next procedure, starting at


step 5. If the LED did not flash again after the equipment


switched off, go to step 7.


5 Switch the equipment manually back on.


6 Press ‘PROG-’ (down only!) repeatedly to send previous


codes until the equipment switches off again.


7 Press the power key to lock the correct code in the SBC RU641’s memory.

The green LED flashes twice.

C h e c k

Switch equipment on manually. Press a few keys to check correct response. If response is not correct, repeat procedure beginning at step 1.

N o t e

-The search time averages about 90 seconds. (Maximum search time is 5 minutes for TV, 2 minutes for VCR, 4 minutes for SAT and 2 minutes for DVD).

-Autosearch stops automatically after all codes have been tested.


A d v i c e

Carefully read the complete procedure before starting!

Note the code inside the battery case and in the codelist in the centre of this booklet. This may be useful if you ever need to set up the SBC RU641 again. You used the auto search procedure or you forgot to note the code after set up? No problem! You can still ‘read out’ the code from the remote:

1 Make sure you’ve selected the right mode with the mode selector key.

2 Press and release keys 1 and 6 simultaneously.

Important: after pressing the keys, you have to release them immediately!

The green LED lights up.

3 Press the two digits key.

The green LED goes out.

4 Press key 1 and count the number of times the green LED flashes. This is the first digit of the 4-digit code. (No flashes means the digit is zero.)

5 Press key 2 and count the number of flashes for the second digit.

6 Press key 3 and count the number of flashes for the third digit.


Image 5
Contents Sue Mando Control Tuo Keys & Functions Installing the batteries Instructions for use Your equipment, the result is for example With other function keys. Depending on the ageVOL+ increases colour or menu right function VOL- decreases colour or menu left functionYour equipment is a Philips brand SET-UP for USEV i c e E c kIf the green LED flashed again after the equipment Keep the remote control pointed at your equipmentMake a Note of Your Code Changing the device keys Advanced Tips and TricksExample On the keypad, press keys 9, 9Functional back-lighting Punch-Through SoundTo remove the back-lighting completely Troubleshooting GuideSolution Press the subtitle key to turn teletext off Need HELP?Try the hands-free Autosearch method Seconds- until the green LED lights upIstruzioni per l’uso Installazione batterieTasti & Funzioni F o r m a z i o n eGuasti Testo rapido Shift + VOL+ aumenta il colore o funzione menu destraLa vostra apparecchiatura porta il marchio Philips Impostazioni PER L’USOV e r t e n z a R i f i c a d i c o n t r o l l oPremere il tasto di selezione della modalità per AutomaticaModifica tasti dell’apparecchio Annotate IL Vostro CodiceSuggerimenti E Trucchi DI Tipo Avanzato Esempio Suono attivoModalità TV Vedi la sezione Impostazioni per l’usoPer togliere completamente la retroilluminazione Funzione RetroilluminazionePer retroilluminare tutti i tasti Vi rimetteremo in carreggiata SoluzioneSottotitoli Premere il tasto dei sottotitoli per spegnere il teletextSulla tastierina numerica, premere i tasti 9, 8 e Avete Bisogno DI AIUTO?Teclas & Funciones Instrucciones de manejoInstalación de las pilas Amarillo Pausa Rojo Rebobinar Grabar Verde Parar Reproducir AzulSu equipo es marca Philips Configuración Para EL USOM p r o b a c i ó n Que se encuentraProg DVD ¡ANOTE SU CódigoPunzado a través del sonido Vea la sección Configuración para el usoEjemplo Pulse en el teclado las teclas 9, 9 yD i c a c i ó n Iluminación posterior funcionalPara iluminar todas las teclas Para eliminar completamente la iluminación posteriorGuía DE Resolución DE Problemas Día/mes/año ¿NECESITA AYUDA?Teclas E Funções Manual de utilizaçãoInstalação das pilhas Para confirmar a selecção Sem Memória em Resolução de Problemas FasttextPara controlar o Menu Seu equipamento é da marca Philips Configurar Para UtilizaçãoC o m e n d a ç ã o R i f i q u eEquipamento Aparelho TV, VCR, SAT ou DVD que deseja utilizarPressione a tecla de Corrente para iniciar a busca Sugestões E Truques Avançados Tome Nota do SEU CódigoAlterar as teclas de aparelho Vcr Sat Dvd CaboSom de perfuração Veja a secção Configurar para utilizaçãoNo teclado, pressione as teclas 9, 9 e Modo TVI s o Iluminação traseira funcionalPara iluminar todas as teclas Para eliminar completamente a iluminação traseiraExperimente o método de Busca Automática Guia DE Resolução DE ProblemasSolução Precisa DE AJUDA? 0036 05430059 0299Codes 0235 0059, 01900190, 0235 00640342 01080047 03050099 02670542 03150391 08980448 05511110 03730832 0731United Kingdom 0207 HelplineEquipment Brand Model number Number of original remote Code AAA Tτων µπαταριώνΕπίλυση Μ ε ί ω σ η Αν συσκευές σας είναι µάρκας PhilipsΣηµειώστε τκωδικ Πράσινη λυσ Αλλαγή των πλήκτρων συσκευήςΛειτ Αµεση ρύθµισης της έντασηςOδηγεπίλυσης πρ SBC RU641 Установка батаpей Инстpукции по использованиюАнопки и функции В е тУстpанении неиспpавностей FasttextVCR/DVD Дополнительную инфоpмацию см в секции память вО в е p к а Инстpукции по использованию Гтладка для использованияИ м е ч а н и е Если вы не знаете маpку вашего устpойстваНажмите кнопку 2 и сосчитайте, сколько pаз мигнёт Запишите свой кодПеpед началом внимательно пpочитайте все указания Иоветы и подсказкиЗелёный СИД для втоpой цифpы ПримерДля подсветки всеx кнопок «Пpобивной» звукПодсветка Решение НстPанение неиспPавностейЕсли пpоблема не устpанена, позвоните нам, и мы поможем СубтитpовВужна помощь? Instalowanie baterii Instrukcja użytkowaniaKlawisze I Funkcje K a z ó w k aNagrywanie CzerwonyZielony Stop Odtwarzanie Niebieski Wybieranie gniazda wejściowego posiadanego sprzętuD a Konfigurowanie Przed UžyciemR a w d z e n i e A g aPonownie ręcznie włącz sprzęt Zanotuj Swój KODZmienianie działania klawiszy urządzeń Zaawansowane Sztuczki I TrikiTelewizor Magnetowid Tuner satelitarny TV kablowaPodświetlenie klawiszy Niezależna regulacja siły głosuŚrodki zaradcze Całkowite wyłączenie podświetlaniaSBC RU641 nie wykonuje poprawnie poleceń KłopotówWypróbuj metodę automatycznego wyszukania właściwego kodu Teletekst wyłącza się naciskając klawisz podtytułówPotrzebujesz POMOCY? 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