Dell 720N, 740N, 760N manual Observe the following warnings while servicing this system

Page 3


Use the following safety guidelines to ensure your own personal safety and to help protect your computer or storage system from potential damage.

Throughout this guide, blocks of text may be accompanied by an icon and printed in bold type or in italic type. These blocks of text are notes, cautions, and warnings, and they are used as follows:

NOTE: A NOTE contains important information that helps you install or operate the system efficiently.






Observe the following warnings while servicing this system:


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Image 3
Contents Page Page Observe the following warnings while servicing this system 006 Vii Viii #$% #-%% #+%$ Page Xiii Xiv Monospaced font Xvi Xvii Xviii Xix Page Xxi Xxii $%$%*$+ Activity LED Status LED Power LED Nostic messages up to 32 characters Describes the back panel features 10/100Base-T Ethernet Disk-Array Enclosure DAE storage system with 18-GB #$!% Slot 9 dedicated to Nvram card $&# $%&#Introduction Page Installing a Filer System 145 +,+=1.75 inch DAA1% 24769!8 Shows the rack adapter rails properly positioned in the rack +6939 Page Installing a Filer System Select any two holes #,,#6233 +-0%$#./$&&# FC-AL1 loop FC-AL0 loop FC-AL adapter in slot $&$2 77% Installing a Filer System $!1 #,+Built-in Ethernet connector 33!# 13 shows the location of the Console port $&&# 14 shows two power suppliesAC LED Page 122# Shows the LEDs on the front panel +$ 1# Off-AC signal is not good #1&21 41&21 Quad-port Ethernet card #=# Troubleshooting the Filer Hardware 37# Startup failed Scsi Host Adapter 0b Administrator and Command Reference Storage enclosure address number. Setup Page Filer’s /etc/passwd and /etc/group Mode. Refer to the Dell PowerVault 720N This message appears in these situations Guide System Administrator and Command Ref Page Getting Help Page Getting Help Diagnostics Checklist 1344 Page Australia AustriaBelgium China BruneiCanada ChileDenmark FinlandFrance Italy GermanyHong Kong IrelandJapan KoreaLatin America Mexico LuxembourgMacau MalaysiaPoland NetherlandsNew Zealand NorwayPacific Countries SingaporeSouth Africa Southeast AsianThailand SwedenSwitzerland TaiwanDell Home and Small Business Group Index Message FC-AL See also Dimms Index Nics Scsi
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