7Red gain adjustment [R GAIN]
8 Blue gain adjustment [B GAIN]
When the white balance setting is set to MANU, white balance can be adjusted by red/blue gain control. Fine adjustment of white balance can also be made after AWC by red/blue gain control when the white balance setting is set to A CH or B CH and the paint- ing mode is ON.
* A memory is provided for each of MANU, A CH, and B CH.
If AWC is executed when the camera is used alone, the memories for A CH and B CH return to the center.
9Total Pedestal Adjustment [T PED]
The pedestal of the luminance (Y) signal can be set. It is used to match the pedestals of two or more cam- eras.
!0Red Pedestal Adjustment [R PED] !1Blue Pedestal Adjustment [B PED]
Fine adjustment of black balance can also be made after ABC by red/blue pedestal adjustment when the painting mode is ON.
*If ABC is executed when the camera is used alone, the value of R/B PED returns to the center.
!2Painting Setting [PAINTING: ON/OFF]
If white balance is set to either A CH or B CH when the painting switch is ON, fine adjustment of white bal- ance can be made after AWC by red/blue gain con- trol.
Fine adjustment of black balance after ABC can also be made by red/blue pedestal adjustment.
!3AUTO IRIS/AGC/ELC Level Adjustment [LEVEL]
Convergence level of AUTO IRIS/AGC/ELC can be adjusted.
!4Photometric Measurement Method Setting [AREA: ALL, CENTER, TOP CUT, BOT CUT, R/L CUT]
A photometric measurement method can be selected for AUTO IRIS/AGC/ ELC.
ALL: All the screen area is measured.
CENTER: The screen is measured mainly in the cen- ter area, about
TOP CUT: About
BOT CUT: About
R/L CUT: About
| TOP CUT | ||
| R/L CUT | ||