Axis Communications AXIS P3301-V manual Other methods of setting the IP address

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AXIS P3301/-V Installation Guide

Other methods of setting the IP address

The table below shows the other methods available for setting or discovering the IP address. All methods are enabled by default, and all can be disabled.


Use in operating










When enabled on your computer, the camera is automatically


(ME or XP)

detected and added to “My Network Places.”






Applicable to browsers with support for Bonjour. Navigate to the


(10.4 or later)

Bonjour bookmark in your browser (e.g. Safari) and click on the



link to access the camera’s web pages.




AXIS Dynamic DNS


A free service from Axis that allows you to quickly and simply



install your camera. Requires an Internet connection with no



HTTP proxy. See for more information.






See below. The command must be issued within 2 minutes of



connecting power to the camera.




View DHCP server


To view the admin pages for the network DHCP server, see the

admin pages


server’s own documentation.




Set the IP address with ARP/Ping

1.Acquire an IP address on the same network segment your computer is connected to.

2.Locate the serial number (S/N) on the AXIS P3301/-V label.

3.Open a command prompt on your computer and enter the following commands:

Windows syntax:

Windows example:



arp -s <IP Address> <Serial Number>

arp -s 00-40-8c-18-10-00

ping -l 408 -t <IP Address>

ping -l 408 -t

UNIX/Linux/Mac syntax:

UNIX/Linux/Mac example:



arp -s <IP Address> <Serial Number> temp

arp -s 00:40:8c:18:10:00 temp

ping -s 408 <IP Address>

ping -s 408

4.Check that the network cable is connected to the camera and then start/restart the camera, by disconnecting and reconnecting power.

5.Close the command prompt when you see ‘Reply from ...’ or similar.

6.In your browser, type in http://<IP address> in the Location/Address field and press Enter on your keyboard.


To open a command prompt in Windows: from the Start menu, select Run... and type cmd. Click OK.

To use the ARP command on a Mac OS X, use the Terminal utility in Application > Utilities.

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Contents Installation Guide About this Document Legal ConsiderationsElectromagnetic Compatibility EMC Equipment ModificationsInstallation steps Package contentsDimensions Hardware overviewInstall the hardware Mount the cameraMounting on a hard ceiling Ceiling Axis P3301/-V ScrewsAssign an IP address Connect the cablesMethod Recommended for Axis IP Utility single camera/small installation Automatic discoveryAssign the IP address manually optional Axis Camera Management multiple cameras/large installations Assign an IP address in a single deviceAssign IP addresses in multiple devices Click the OK buttonSet the password Enter the password as set above, and click OKClick the Create self-signed certificate button Access the video stream Adjust the image and focus Complete the installationOther methods of setting the IP address Set the IP address with ARP/PingUnit connectors Auxiliary power and GNDFunction Pin Specifications Connection diagram LED indicatorsAxis P3301/-V Max mA Pushbutton Color IndicationResetting to the Factory Default Settings Accessing the camera from the InternetFurther information TipPage Étapes de linstallation Axis P3301/-V Guide dinstallationInstallez le matériel. Reportez-vous à la Terminez linstallation. Reportez-vous à laPrésentation du matériel Installation du matériel Montage de la caméraMontage sur plafond dur Plafond Axis P3301/-V VisMéthode Recommandée pour Système Dexploitation Paramétrage dune adresse IPBranchement des câbles RemarquesAxis IP Utility Une seule caméra/petite installation Détection automatiqueParamétrage manuel de ladresse IP optionnel Sélectionnez la caméra Axis P3301 dans la listeParamétrage dune adresse IP à un seul dispositif Paramétrage dadresses IP à plusieurs dispositifsCliquez sur le bouton OK Définition du mot de passe Pour créer une connexion HTTPS, cliquez sur ce boutonAccès au flux vidéo Terminez linstallation Réglage de limage et de la mise au pointAutres méthodes de définition de ladresse IP Définition de ladresse IP à laide dARP/PingSystème Remarques Dexploitation UPnP Serveur DhcpAxis P3301/-V Guide dinstallation Remarques Connecteurs de lunité Alimentation auxiliaire et mise à la terreFonction Broc Remarques Spécifications Diagramme de connexion Axis P3301/-V Max mA Par exemple Un bouton de o CommandeTémoins DEL Couleur IndicationRétablissement des paramètres dusine par défaut Accès à la caméra via InternetPlus dinformations ConseilInstallationsschritte Axis P3301/-V InstallationsanleitungLieferumfang Komponente Modell/Variante/AnmerkungHardwareübersicht AbmessungenSeite Hardware installieren Kamera befestigenDeckenmontage Fahren Sie mit Kabel anschließen, auf Seite 34 fortIP-Adresse zuweisen Kabel anschließenHinweise Methode Empfohlen für BetriebssystemAxis IP Utility Einzelne Kamera/kleine Installation Automatische ErkennungManuelle Zuweisung der IP-Adresse optional HinweisAxis Camera Management Mehrere Kameras/große Installation Eine IP-Adresse einem einzelnen Gerät zuweisenIP-Adressen mehreren Geräten zuweisen Klicken Sie auf OKKennwort festlegen Auf Video-Stream zugreifen Unter Basic Configuration Focus Bildschärfe einstellenEinstellring Ausrichtung einInstallation abschließen Andere Methoden zum Festlegen der IP-AdresseIP-Adresse per ARP/Ping zuweisen Syntax Unter Windows Kameraanschlüsse Funktion Pin Hinweise Technische DatenAnschlussschaltbild LED-AnzeigenAxis P3301/-V Max mA Schalter Farbe BedeutungWerkseitige Standardeinstellungen wiederherstellen Über das Internet auf die Kamera zugreifenWeitere Informationen TippProcedura di installazione Guida allinstallazione di Axis P3301/-VCompletamento dellinstallazione. Vedere la sezione pagina Contenuto della confezioneDimensioni Panoramica dell’hardwarePagina Installazione dellhardware Montaggio della videocameraMontaggio su un controsoffitto Soffitto Axis P3301/-V VitiAssegnazione di un indirizzo IP Collegamento dei caviMetodo Consigliato per… Axis IP Utility videocamera singola/piccole installazioni Rilevamento automaticoAssegnazione manuale dellindirizzo IP facoltativo NotaAxis Camera Management più videocamere/grandi installazioni Assegnazione di un indirizzo IP a una singola videocameraAssegnazione degli indirizzi IP a più videocamere Fare clic sul pulsante OKImpostazione della password Accesso al flusso video Regolazione della messa a fuoco Posizionare lobiettivo nella posizione desiderataCompletamento dellinstallazione Altri metodi di impostazione dell’indirizzo IPImpostazione dellindirizzo IP con ARP/Ping Sintassi di WindowsConnettori Alimentazione ausiliaria e presa di terraFunzione Pin Dati tecnici Schema delle connessioni Indicatori LEDAxis P3301/-V Max mA Colore IndicazioneAccesso alla videocamera da Internet Ripristino delle impostazioni di fabbricaUlteriori informazioni SuggerimentoPasos para la instalación Contenido del paqueteAxis P3301/-V Guia de instalación Artículo Modelos/variantes/notasDimensiones Presentación del hardwarePágina Instalación del hardware Montaje de la cámaraMontaje en techo duro Configuración de la dirección IP Conexión de los cablesNotas Método Recomendado paraDetección automática Asignación manual de la dirección IP opcionalAxis P3301-V aparecerá en Axis IP Utility como Axis P3301 Asigne una dirección IP en un dispositivo individual Asignación de direcciones IP en varios dispositivosHaga clic en el botón OK Aceptar Configuración de la contraseña EspañolAcceda al vídeo continuo Ajuste la imagen y el enfoque Complete la instalaciónTornillo de bloqueo Botón del Zoom Tornillo de Inclinacion EnfoqueOtros métodos para configurar la dirección IP Configuración de la dirección IP con ARP/PingNotas Conectores de la unidad Alimentación auxiliar y toma de tierraFunción Pin Notas Especificaciones Diagrama de conexiones Indicadores LEDAxis P3301/-V Máx mA Color IndicaciónRestablecimiento de los valores iniciales Acceso a la cámara desde InternetMás información Un consejoAxis P3301/-V Installation Guide Installation Guide Ver.1.00 Axis P3301/-V Axis Communications AB