Sears 831.15934 manual Lateralarm Raise 15.125 Lbs, Seated ROW--CLOSE Grip 15-125 Lbs

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6.LATERALARM RAISE (15.125 Lbs.)

Muscles affec'_: deltoids,h'apezbs

Refer to adjustment4 on page 9 of this owner'smanual. Attach the strap to the low . pulley station. Stand with your side toward the CROSS TRA)NER e with your Feeton the Footplata. Hold the strop with an overhand grip with your arm at your side. Keep :_ your back straight. Raise the strap to the s[de until your hand is level with your shoul- der as shown. Returnto the starting position.

7.SEATED ROW--CLOSE GRIP (15-125 Lbs.)

Muscles affected: deltoids, tropezlus, biceps, broehioradials, latlssimus c/orsi

ReFerto adiuslment 4 on page 9 oFthis owner'smanual. ,_tach the rower bar to the low pulley station.Sit on the floor with your heels on the feat plate, lean forward, extend your arms and hold the rower bar with an overhand grip. Pull the rower bar toward your stomachand lean back, keeping your elbowsclose to your sides. Return

to the starting position.

8.LAT PULL-DOWN--CHEST (15-12S Lbs.)

Muscles affected: laEssirnusdorsi, trapezlusl pectoralis moior

ReFerto adjustment3 on page 8 oF this ownerls manual. Attach the lot bar to the - high pulley station. Sit on the seat facing the CROSS I"RAINER e. Extend your arms upward and hold the Jarbar with an overhand grip. Keep your bacl_straight. Pullthe lot bar down untll your hansd_"arelevel with your neck as shown. Ream to the start-

ing position.

9.LAT PULL-DOWN-BACK (15-125 Lbs.)

Muscles affected:latissimus dorsi, trapezius

Refer to adiuslment3 on Page 8 oF this owner's manual A_Ch the lot bar to the high pulley station. Sit on the seat Facing the CROSS TRAINER e. Extend your arms upward and hold the lot bar with an overhand grip. Keep your back straight and lean forward slightly. Pull the lot bar down behind your head until your hands are

level with your neck. Reksmto the starting position.


10. HiP EXTENSION (15-125 Lbs.)

Muscles affec?ed: gluteus maxlmus

ReFerto adjustment4 on Page 9 oFthis owner's manual. Attach the strap to the low pulley station. Stand with one Footon the foot plate, lr'_ertone leg into the strap. Keep your back straight. Keep your leg straight and move it backward as for as pos- sible. Return to the starting p_s;tion.


Image 19
Contents Page Contents SerialNo. Decal Lot BarFoot Plate El-3/8 Lockwasher Front Base29 6\ Properly Wrap the Weight Cobb 52 around a 2 PulleyFreely or it will be damaged Page Ce%le so the Lat Bar is in the correct stang posl Mode and PressmodeChanging the Stepping Resistance Strai to the High Pulley StationSymptom the Power does not Turn on TROUBLE-SHOOTING and MaintenanceVolt J Symptom the Stepperconsole does not Function ProperlyResets the display Diagram of the ConsoleMode indicators--Show Power on and off,Selectingthe Tone or Strengthmode Turning on the PowerChart Using the Manual ModeUsing the Trainer triODE Using the Program Mode Turing OFF the Power Cross Trainer e is ideal strengthenyour body, plus Four Basic Types of Exercise Programs StrengthExerciseform Shoulder Shrug 15-125Lbs Front ARM Raise 15-125 LbsUpright ROW 15-125 Lbs Butterfly 15-125LbsLAT PULL-DOWN-BACK 15-125 Lbs Lateralarm Raise 15.125 LbsSeated ROW--CLOSE Grip 15-125 Lbs LAT PULL-DOWN--CHEST 15-12S LbsTriceps PRESS-DOWN 15-125Lbs LEG Extension 15-125 LbsBiceps Curl 15-125 Lbs Triceps Extension 15-125LbsMuscles affeded brachioradials AB Crunch 15-125 LbsSingle LEG Curl 15-125Lbs Muscles affeded hip extensorsBent ROW-WIDE Grip 15-125 Lbs Side Bend 15-125 LbsLAT PULL-DOWN--CLOSE Grip 15-125Lbs Single ARM Cable FLY 15-125 LbsIsolation Curl 15--125 Lbs Singlearm Bent ROW 15--125 LbsSeated ROW-WIDE Grip 15--125 Lbs Singlearm Seated ROW15--125 LbsSingle ARM Triceps PRESS-DOWN 15--125 Lbs Reversewrist Curl 15--125LbsBent Isolation Curl 15--125 Lbs Muscles affected quadrlceps Bent Lateral ARM Raise I 5-I 25 LbsDead LIFT15.125 Lbs Front Kick 15-125LbsTheunited States Ordering Replacement Parts