A.SIDE BEND (15-125 Lbs.)
Musclesoff_ed: le_'ssimusdcrsi, biceps,posterior deltoids
•Referto adjustrne_nt4 on page'9of thisowner'smanual.Attach the strapto thelow pulleystation.Standwith your slde toward the CROSSTRAINERe withone footon _ the footplate. Hold thestrapwith an overhandgrip with yourarm at your•side. Keep your back straight.Bendtoward the sideas shown.Returnto the s_artingposition.
ReFerto odjus_ent 3 on page 8 of this owner's manual. A_ach the rower bar to the high pulley station. Siton the ._eatfacing the CROSS TRAINER e. Extend your arms upward and hold the rower/0or with an underhand grip. Keep your back straight. Pull the rower bar down until your hands ore level with your neck. Return to the start-
ing Position.
Muscles affected: latlsslmus dorsi, biceps, posterior deltoids
Refer to adjus_ent 3 on page 8 of this owner'smanual. Attach the strap to the high pulley station. Stand with your side toward the CROSS TRAINER e with one foot on •the foot plate. Extend one arm upward and hold the strap. Keep your back straight. Pull the strop down until your hand is level with your wolst. Return ta the starling
D.BENT ROW-WIDE GRIP (15-125 Lbs.)
Musclesaffeded:biceps,brachbrad;als,deltoids,_pez[us, lallsslmusdorsi,rhomboids
Refer to odjuslment4 on page 9 oF this owner'smanual. Altoch the let bar to the tow pulley station. Stand with your feet on the foot plate and bend forward as shown. Hold the lot bar with an overhand grip with your arms extended downward. Keep. your back straight.Pullthe lot bar toward your stomach.Returnto the starting position.
E. BENT ROW-CLOSE GRIP (15-125 Lbs.)
Muscles affected: biceps, brachioradlals, dellolds,Irapezlus, lallssimus dorsi, rhomboids
Refer to odjush'nent4 on page 9 of this owner'smanual. Attach the rower bar to the low pufley station. Stand with your feet on the foot plate and I:_endforward as shown. Hold the rower bar with an overhand grlp with your arms extended down- word. Keep your back straight. Pull the rower bar toward your stomach. Return to the starting posit;on.