Saitek III manual Info Mode Watch the Computer Think, No time limit

Page 11

3.5 Infinite Level





No time limit


On the Infinite Level, the computer will search indefinitely, until it finds a forced mate or forced move; until it has fully searched the position to its maximum depth; or until you press ENT to stop the search. If you halt the search, the computer makes the move it currently thinks is best.

Try experimenting with this level—set up some interesting board positions and let the computer analyze them for you. It will think for hours or even days on end, trying to come up with the best possible move! And you can even watch the computer as it thinks—take advan- tage of the unique Rotating Display feature described in Section 5.3.

3.6 Problem Solving Levels





Mate in 1

=in: 1


Mate in 2

=in: 2


Mate in 3

=in: 3


Mate in 4

=in: 4


Mate in 5

=in: 5


Mate in 6

=in: 6


Mate in 7

=in: 7


Mate in 8

=in: 8

Selecting one of these levels activates a special Mate Finder Pro- gram. If you have a position where there may be a mate and you would like the computer to find it, set the computer on one of the Problem Solving Levels. The Senator Module can solve mates in up to eight moves. Mates in one to five are usually found quite quickly, whereas solutions taking six to eight moves may take quite some time. If there is no mate present or the computer can’t find a mate, it will beep and display dashes (– – – – –). You may continue playing, if desired, by simply switching to another level.

3.7 Training Levels






PLY: 1


PLY: 9


PLY: 2




PLY: 3




PLY: 4




PLY: 5




PLY: 6





PLY: 7





PLY: 8




On the Training Levels, the computer’s search depth is limited to a


certain number of moves, as shown above. As you cycle through the


levels, the computer displays PLY:# for each level. A “ply” is an indi-


vidual move (a move for either side), and “#” is the number representing


the search depth. For example, on Level 49, the computer searches to a


depth of one ply, and thus looks ahead only one individual move. On


this level, therefore, it will often overlook a mate in one. This produces


weaker play, giving beginners a chance win,




Imagine this: You’re playing chess against a friend, and it’s his move. You’d love to know what move he’s thinking about, and you’d really like to get his opinion of the board position. But, of course, you won’t ask— because that’s just not done! Well, guess what—when you enhance the capabilities of your computer with the Senator Module and the LCD Module, you can ask anything you want, and you’ll get all the answers. In fact, with the help of these two modules, you can get an incredible amount of information about the computer’s thought process. On request, it will show you the move it’s thinking of, the line of play it expects after that move, its evaluation of the current board position, how deeply it’s searching, and more. As you can imagine, studying this information can help you learn so much more about chess.

Using Info Mode

How do you access all this game information? By using Info Mode at any time! If you do this while the computer is thinking, you’ll see the information displays change as the computer considers different moves and searches deeper.

See “INFO MODE AT A GLANCE” for a chart summarizing all the Info Mode displays.

Game information is divided into three groups, and pressing INFO cycles from one group to another. The BLACK/> and WHITE/< keys can be used to cycle through the displays within each of the groups. Press CL to exit Info Mode and go back to the normal clock.


Image 11 Saitek III manual Info Mode Watch the Computer Think, No time limit
Contents Exclusive Senator Chess Computer System Quick Start Table of Contents Keys and FeaturesGetting Started IntroductionMore Features to Explore Express TAKE-BACK FeaturesChanging Sides with the Computer Two Player ModeCheck, Mate, and Draw Interrupting the Computer’s SearchGame Memory Playing Black from the BottomBuilt-In Openings Thinking on the Opponent’s TimeTournament Levels Setting a Playing LevelPlaying Levels Normal Playing LevelsUSE this Chart to Select Fun Levels Speed Chess LevelsNo time limit Info Mode Watch the Computer ThinkChess Clock Information Info Mode AT a GlancePrincipal Variation Search InformationSelecting Game Options Options for FUN and VarietyMove Count/Game Moves Want a Hint? Just AskTicking Clock Silent ModeCoach Mode Sound with KeypressSelective Search System TestBook On/Off Easy ModeImportant The Rotating Display feature is only activated Random PlayVerifying Positions VERIFYING/SETTING UP PositionsChanging and Setting Up Positions IT’S Easy to Verify PiecesOnce you have changed the board position as described TRY OUT Position ModeTechnical Details Conditions of WarrantySymptoms Possible Causes Action to Take Troubleshooting GuideSchnellstart Inhalt Tasten UND FunktionenSiehe auch die Abbildung „TAKE BACK-EXPRESS-FUNKTION EinleitungLOS GEHT´S Mehr Funktionen Entdecken Take BACK-EXPRESS-FUNKTIONSiehe auch „SCHWARZ VON Unten SPIELEN? Achten SIE Spielstandspeicher DIE SpielstufenGespeicherte Eröffnungen Rechnen wenn der Gegner am Zug istBlitzschach Normale StufenTurnierstufen Mattsuchstufen SpaßstufenAnalysestufe Kein ZeitlimitNutzen SIE Diese Übersicht Hauptvarianten INFO-MODUS Beobachten UND LernenInfo-Modus anwenden Spieloptionen auswählen INFO-MODUS AUF Einen BlickOptionen FÜR Spielspass UND Vielfalt Wie wäre es mit einem Hinweis? Einfach fragenTrainingsmodus Automatisches SpielSound bei Zugeingabe StilleDAS Wichtigste DES OPTIONS-MODUS SO GEHT’S Zufallsauswahl SystemtestSelektive Suche Einfacher ModusSiehe auch „ES IST EINFACH, Positionen ZU Prüfen Positionen PRÜFEN/AUFBAUENTurnierbibliothek Wichtig Diese Funktion ist nur aktiv Solange DER COMTesten SIE DEN POSITIONS-MODUS ES IST EINFACH, Positionen ZU PrüfenBatterie-Informationen Technische AngabenDie ACL-Funktion Pflege und WartungSymptome Mögliche Ursachen Lösungen ProblemlösungenMise EN Route Rapide Sommaire Touches ET FonctionsPour Commencer L’ESSENTIEL DES Fonctions a Decouvrir Options Express DU Mode Take BackVoir aussi la figure « Jouer Avec LES Noirs DE Votre Côte » 11 Mémorisation de la partie Niveaux DE JEULes ouvertures répertoriées Reflexion dans le temps de l’adversaireNiveaux Sudden Death Niveaux de Jeu ClassiquesNiveaux Tournoi Infini Conseils SUR LE Choix D’UN Niveau DE JEUTableau Information sur la recherche de l’ordinateur Mode Info Regarder LES Reflexions DE L’ORDINATEUR’usage du mode Info Variante principaleSuggestions des coups Mode InfoLES Options FUN ET Divertissement Compteur des coupsTic-Tac d’horloge Mode silencieuxMode d’enseignement Jeu automatiqueChronométrage Bronstein Compte à reboursRecherche sélective Mode Jeu facileMode Jeu aléatoire Programme testLivre tournoi Verification DES Positions / Mise EN Place DES PiecesLivre actif ’EST Simple DE Verifier LES Positions DES Pieces LE Mode PositionInformation sur les piles Fiche TechniqueLa fonction ACL Soins et entretienGuide DE Depannage Symptomes Causes Possibles QUE Faire