Saitek III manual Express TAKE-BACK Features, More Features to Explore

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shows the capture square, along with the piece and color symbols for the captured piece. Put the indicated piece back on the board to com- plete the take-back.

The TAKE BACK feature also offers some “express” options which allow you to go back and forth in your game rapidly, without having to take back or replay each individual move. This can come in very handy, for example, if you want to go back to an earlier position in a game and play on from there.

See “EXPRESS TAKE-BACK FEATURES” for a chart showing all your options at a glance.

After pressing TAKE BACK, you can do the following:

Press ENT to jump forward to the final position of a game or back to the initial position in memory (up to 200 individual moves).

Press TAKE BACK again to jump forward in 10-move steps (or to the final/initial position in memory).

Press WHITE/< or BLACK/> to jump backward or forward one individual move at a time.

Press CL when you reach your desired position. You can then verify the board and restore the position (as described in Section 6), and resume play.

1.6 Game Over? Why Not Play Again

Whenever you finish a game (or if you give up on your current game), it’s easy to start over again. Reset the Senator Module by pressing ENT and CL together. The NEW GAME sound signifies that the computer is ready for another game of chess. The same playing level will be in effect, but you can change it if you’d like, as explained in Section 3.

IMPORTANT: Pressing ENT and CL together for a NEW GAME clears your current game from the computer’s memory—be careful not to press these keys by mistake!

1.7 Too Easy/Hard? Change the Level

When you first turn your computer on, it’s automatically set to Normal Playing Level 4 (five seconds a move). However, you have 64 different levels to choose from—you’ll want to try them all out! For descriptions of the playing levels and how to change levels, see Section 3.





1. Press TAKE BACK.


BACK You now have the following options:




ENT jumps forward to the final position or




back to the initial position of the game (up







to 200 individual moves).


TAKE TAKE BACK jumps forward by 10 moves

BACKat a time (or to the final/initial position in memory).

WHITE/< jumps backward one move at a time.

BLACK/> jumps forward one move at a time.


2. When you reach your desired position, press CL to

return to normal play.




3.Verify and restore the board, as described in Section 6.

For more details, see Section 1.5.


2.1 Whose Move? Check the Display

When the computer plays Black, the display flashes the black square (the symbol for Black). After the computer has moved, a white square is displayed steadily to show that it is now White’s turn to move. You can tell at a glance if the computer is currently thinking, and which side is to move.

2.2 Special Chess Moves

Captures: Captures are played on the board exactly as in a normal game of chess—pick up your piece, take the captured piece off the board, and put your piece down on the capture square. Captures are displayed as in E5•F4.


Image 5 Saitek III manual Express TAKE-BACK Features, More Features to Explore
Contents Exclusive Senator Chess Computer System Quick Start Table of Contents Keys and FeaturesGetting Started IntroductionMore Features to Explore Express TAKE-BACK FeaturesCheck, Mate, and Draw Two Player ModeInterrupting the Computer’s Search Changing Sides with the ComputerBuilt-In Openings Playing Black from the BottomThinking on the Opponent’s Time Game MemoryPlaying Levels Setting a Playing LevelNormal Playing Levels Tournament LevelsUSE this Chart to Select Fun Levels Speed Chess LevelsNo time limit Info Mode Watch the Computer ThinkPrincipal Variation Info Mode AT a GlanceSearch Information Chess Clock InformationMove Count/Game Moves Options for FUN and VarietyWant a Hint? Just Ask Selecting Game OptionsCoach Mode Silent ModeSound with Keypress Ticking ClockSelective Search System TestImportant The Rotating Display feature is only activated Easy ModeRandom Play Book On/OffChanging and Setting Up Positions VERIFYING/SETTING UP PositionsIT’S Easy to Verify Pieces Verifying PositionsOnce you have changed the board position as described TRY OUT Position ModeTechnical Details Conditions of WarrantySymptoms Possible Causes Action to Take Troubleshooting GuideSchnellstart Inhalt Tasten UND FunktionenSiehe auch die Abbildung „TAKE BACK-EXPRESS-FUNKTION EinleitungLOS GEHT´S Mehr Funktionen Entdecken Take BACK-EXPRESS-FUNKTIONSiehe auch „SCHWARZ VON Unten SPIELEN? Achten SIE Gespeicherte Eröffnungen DIE SpielstufenRechnen wenn der Gegner am Zug ist SpielstandspeicherBlitzschach Normale StufenTurnierstufen Analysestufe SpaßstufenKein Zeitlimit MattsuchstufenNutzen SIE Diese Übersicht Hauptvarianten INFO-MODUS Beobachten UND LernenInfo-Modus anwenden Optionen FÜR Spielspass UND Vielfalt INFO-MODUS AUF Einen BlickWie wäre es mit einem Hinweis? Einfach fragen Spieloptionen auswählenSound bei Zugeingabe Automatisches SpielStille TrainingsmodusDAS Wichtigste DES OPTIONS-MODUS SO GEHT’S Selektive Suche SystemtestEinfacher Modus ZufallsauswahlTurnierbibliothek Positionen PRÜFEN/AUFBAUENWichtig Diese Funktion ist nur aktiv Solange DER COM Siehe auch „ES IST EINFACH, Positionen ZU PrüfenTesten SIE DEN POSITIONS-MODUS ES IST EINFACH, Positionen ZU PrüfenDie ACL-Funktion Technische AngabenPflege und Wartung Batterie-InformationenSymptome Mögliche Ursachen Lösungen ProblemlösungenMise EN Route Rapide Sommaire Touches ET FonctionsPour Commencer L’ESSENTIEL DES Fonctions a Decouvrir Options Express DU Mode Take BackVoir aussi la figure « Jouer Avec LES Noirs DE Votre Côte » Les ouvertures répertoriées Niveaux DE JEUReflexion dans le temps de l’adversaire 11 Mémorisation de la partieNiveaux Sudden Death Niveaux de Jeu ClassiquesNiveaux Tournoi Infini Conseils SUR LE Choix D’UN Niveau DE JEUTableau ’usage du mode Info Mode Info Regarder LES Reflexions DE L’ORDINATEURVariante principale Information sur la recherche de l’ordinateurLES Options FUN ET Divertissement Mode InfoCompteur des coups Suggestions des coupsMode d’enseignement Mode silencieuxJeu automatique Tic-Tac d’horlogeChronométrage Bronstein Compte à reboursMode Jeu aléatoire Mode Jeu facileProgramme test Recherche sélectiveLivre tournoi Verification DES Positions / Mise EN Place DES PiecesLivre actif ’EST Simple DE Verifier LES Positions DES Pieces LE Mode PositionLa fonction ACL Fiche TechniqueSoins et entretien Information sur les pilesGuide DE Depannage Symptomes Causes Possibles QUE Faire