Saitek III manual TRY OUT Position Mode, Once you have changed the board position as described

Page 18

Position Mode is a feature which lets you set up special board posi- tions to play from, or problems you would like the computer to solve. Press POS to enter Position Mode, and -POS-will show in the display. You can change or set up a position whenever it is your turn to move. After setting up your new position, press CL to exit Position Mode.

• To remove a piece from the board, simply pick up the piece and

physically remove it from the board. Notice that the display window




1.Set up the pieces for a new game, and press ENT and CL together to reset the module.

Display: [ 0:00:00.

indicates the piece type and color, along with a minus sign () and

the square location.

• To move a piece from one square to another, pick up the piece

from its original square, and put it down on the new square. As you

do this, the display will show a minus sign () for the first square,

and a plus sign (+) for the second square.

• To add a piece to the board, first press the PIECE SYMBOL KEY

for that piece (&, %, $, #, @, or !). Make sure the display shows

the correct color symbol for the piece you want to add. If it does not,

press BLACK/> or WHITE/< to change the color. When the

display shows the correct piece type and color, place that piece on

the desired square. The display shows a plus sign (+), along with

the location for that square. To add another piece of the same type,

simply put another piece on the board. To add a different piece,

press a different PIECE SYMBOL KEY and follow the same steps

outlined above.

• To clear the board, press ENT while you are in Position Mode. The

display will show _ to symbolize an empty chessboard. Press

ENT once more to confirm that you do want to clear the board.

Then add pieces as described previously. If you decide not to clear

the board, press CL instead of ENT to cancel. This feature can be

handy when you want to set up a position with only a few pieces,

where it would be much easier to start out with an empty board!

• Once you have changed the board position as described

above, make sure the color indicator in the display is showing the

correct color of the side to move. Change the color, if necessary, by

pressing BLACK/> or WHITE/<.

To exit Position Mode, press CL. This returns you to normal game

play, with your new board position!

Note that any legal position can be set up using the above outlined procedures. The computer will not allow you to set up an illegal position, such as one where there are more than the prescribed number of pieces for a normal game, or one where a King is in check and is not to




Press POS to enter Position Mode.



Display: -POS-.






Pick up the White pawn from Square E2, and


remove it from the board.

Display: [,!,-E2.


Put that same pawn down on Square E3 to add it


to the board.

Display: [,!,+E3.

5.Pick up the Black Queen from Square D8, and remove it from the board.


Display: ],%,-D8.

6.Put the Black Queen down on Square H5 to add it to the board.


Display: ],%,+H5.

7. Press WHITE/< to change the color to move next to White.

8. Press CL to return to normal game play.


For more details, see Section 6.2.

move. In such cases, the computer will simply beep when you press CL, and you will not be allowed to exit Position Mode. Check the position using the PIECE SYMBOL KEYS, and correct the position (by adding a piece, removing a piece, or moving an incorrectly placed piece). Then press CL to exit Position Mode.


Image 18 Saitek III manual TRY OUT Position Mode, Once you have changed the board position as described
Contents Exclusive Senator Chess Computer System Quick Start Keys and Features Table of ContentsIntroduction Getting StartedExpress TAKE-BACK Features More Features to ExploreInterrupting the Computer’s Search Two Player ModeCheck, Mate, and Draw Changing Sides with the ComputerThinking on the Opponent’s Time Playing Black from the BottomBuilt-In Openings Game MemoryNormal Playing Levels Setting a Playing LevelPlaying Levels Tournament LevelsUSE this Chart to Select Speed Chess Levels Fun LevelsInfo Mode Watch the Computer Think No time limitSearch Information Info Mode AT a GlancePrincipal Variation Chess Clock InformationWant a Hint? Just Ask Options for FUN and VarietyMove Count/Game Moves Selecting Game OptionsSound with Keypress Silent ModeCoach Mode Ticking ClockSystem Test Selective SearchRandom Play Easy ModeImportant The Rotating Display feature is only activated Book On/OffIT’S Easy to Verify Pieces VERIFYING/SETTING UP PositionsChanging and Setting Up Positions Verifying PositionsTRY OUT Position Mode Once you have changed the board position as describedConditions of Warranty Technical DetailsTroubleshooting Guide Symptoms Possible Causes Action to TakeSchnellstart Tasten UND Funktionen InhaltEinleitung LOS GEHT´SSiehe auch die Abbildung „TAKE BACK-EXPRESS-FUNKTION Take BACK-EXPRESS-FUNKTION Mehr Funktionen EntdeckenSiehe auch „SCHWARZ VON Unten SPIELEN? Achten SIE Rechnen wenn der Gegner am Zug ist DIE SpielstufenGespeicherte Eröffnungen SpielstandspeicherNormale Stufen TurnierstufenBlitzschach Kein Zeitlimit SpaßstufenAnalysestufe MattsuchstufenNutzen SIE Diese Übersicht INFO-MODUS Beobachten UND Lernen Info-Modus anwendenHauptvarianten Wie wäre es mit einem Hinweis? Einfach fragen INFO-MODUS AUF Einen BlickOptionen FÜR Spielspass UND Vielfalt Spieloptionen auswählenStille Automatisches SpielSound bei Zugeingabe TrainingsmodusDAS Wichtigste DES OPTIONS-MODUS SO GEHT’S Einfacher Modus SystemtestSelektive Suche ZufallsauswahlWichtig Diese Funktion ist nur aktiv Solange DER COM Positionen PRÜFEN/AUFBAUENTurnierbibliothek Siehe auch „ES IST EINFACH, Positionen ZU PrüfenES IST EINFACH, Positionen ZU Prüfen Testen SIE DEN POSITIONS-MODUSPflege und Wartung Technische AngabenDie ACL-Funktion Batterie-InformationenProblemlösungen Symptome Mögliche Ursachen LösungenMise EN Route Rapide Touches ET Fonctions SommairePour Commencer L’ESSENTIEL Options Express DU Mode Take Back DES Fonctions a DecouvrirVoir aussi la figure « Jouer Avec LES Noirs DE Votre Côte » Reflexion dans le temps de l’adversaire Niveaux DE JEULes ouvertures répertoriées 11 Mémorisation de la partieNiveaux de Jeu Classiques Niveaux TournoiNiveaux Sudden Death Conseils SUR LE Choix D’UN Niveau DE JEU InfiniTableau Variante principale Mode Info Regarder LES Reflexions DE L’ORDINATEUR’usage du mode Info Information sur la recherche de l’ordinateurCompteur des coups Mode InfoLES Options FUN ET Divertissement Suggestions des coupsJeu automatique Mode silencieuxMode d’enseignement Tic-Tac d’horlogeCompte à rebours Chronométrage BronsteinProgramme test Mode Jeu facileMode Jeu aléatoire Recherche sélectiveVerification DES Positions / Mise EN Place DES Pieces Livre actifLivre tournoi LE Mode Position ’EST Simple DE Verifier LES Positions DES PiecesSoins et entretien Fiche TechniqueLa fonction ACL Information sur les pilesSymptomes Causes Possibles QUE Faire Guide DE Depannage