Saitek III manual Setting a Playing Level, Normal Playing Levels, Tournament Levels

Page 8

lost and you may need to press GO/STOP more than once to start the module up after switching the Exclusive Board back on.

Always switch the Exclusive Board on BEFORE pressing GO/STOP to turn the Senator Module on. Otherwise game memory will be lost and you will have to use the ACL function to reset the computer, as described in Section 7.1.

After switching the Exclusive Board off, wait at least 4 seconds before unplugging the Senator Module, in order to avoid any electrical interference.


Your Senator Module offers 64 different playing levels. When you set

the level, keep in mind that when the computer has more time to think about its moves, it becomes stronger and plays better—just like a human player! For an overview of all the levels, refer to the Level Chart. The levels are also described individually in this section.

Setting a Playing Level

See “USE THIS CHART TO SELECT A PLAYING LEVEL” for a look at how to set levels and an overview of all 64 levels.

Press LEV to enter Level Mode, and the computer displays the current playing level. When you enter Level Mode the first time, the module is set on Level 4 (with an average response time of five sec- onds a move), and the display shows L0:05. Change levels one at a time by using the BLACK/> and WHITE/< keys. As a shortcut, press LEV repeatedly to skip over eight levels at a time. When the display shows your desired level, press ENT to enter your new level into the computer and exit Level Mode.

If you press LEV to verify the level but you don’t want to actually change levels, press CL. This lets you exit Level Mode without changing the level or clock settings, even while the computer is thinking.

Other important points to remember regarding levels:

Changing the level always resets the chess clocks.

We don’t recommend changing levels while the computer is think- ing, since the clock is reset and the current search is aborted. If you must do this, first press ENT to abort the computer’s search, and make its move on the board. Then, take back the computer’s move

and change the level. Finally, press ENT to make the computer start thinking on the new level.

3.1 Normal Playing Levels





1 second

L 0:01


2 seconds

L 0:02


3 seconds

L 0:03


5 seconds

L 0:05


10 seconds

L 0:10


15 seconds

L 0:15


20 seconds

L 0:20


30 seconds

L 0:30


45 seconds

L 0:45


1 minute

L 1:00


1.5 minutes

L 1:30


2 minutes

L 2:00


3 minutes

L 3:00


5 minutes

L 5:00


10 minutes



15 minutes


When you choose one of the Normal Playing Levels, you are select- ing an average response time for the computer. Note that the times are averaged over a large number of moves. In the opening and endgame, the computer tends to play faster, but in complicated middlegame positions, it may take longer to move.

3.2 Tournament Levels





1 hr. 30 min. / 40 moves



1 hr. 45 min. / 35 moves



1 hr. 45 min. / 40 moves



1 hr. 30 min. / 35 moves



2 hrs. / 40 moves



2 hrs. 30 min. / 45 moves



2 hrs. / 50 moves



3 hrs. / 40 moves


The Tournament Levels require you to make a certain number of moves within a given amount of time. If a player exceeds the allotted

time for a given number of moves, the computer flashes “time”TImE( )


Image 8 Saitek III manual Setting a Playing Level, Normal Playing Levels, Tournament Levels
Contents Exclusive Senator Chess Computer System Quick Start Keys and Features Table of ContentsIntroduction Getting StartedExpress TAKE-BACK Features More Features to ExploreTwo Player Mode Check, Mate, and DrawInterrupting the Computer’s Search Changing Sides with the ComputerPlaying Black from the Bottom Built-In OpeningsThinking on the Opponent’s Time Game MemorySetting a Playing Level Playing LevelsNormal Playing Levels Tournament LevelsUSE this Chart to Select Speed Chess Levels Fun LevelsInfo Mode Watch the Computer Think No time limitInfo Mode AT a Glance Principal VariationSearch Information Chess Clock InformationOptions for FUN and Variety Move Count/Game MovesWant a Hint? Just Ask Selecting Game OptionsSilent Mode Coach ModeSound with Keypress Ticking ClockSystem Test Selective SearchEasy Mode Important The Rotating Display feature is only activatedRandom Play Book On/OffVERIFYING/SETTING UP Positions Changing and Setting Up PositionsIT’S Easy to Verify Pieces Verifying PositionsTRY OUT Position Mode Once you have changed the board position as describedConditions of Warranty Technical DetailsTroubleshooting Guide Symptoms Possible Causes Action to TakeSchnellstart Tasten UND Funktionen InhaltSiehe auch die Abbildung „TAKE BACK-EXPRESS-FUNKTION EinleitungLOS GEHT´S Take BACK-EXPRESS-FUNKTION Mehr Funktionen EntdeckenSiehe auch „SCHWARZ VON Unten SPIELEN? Achten SIE DIE Spielstufen Gespeicherte EröffnungenRechnen wenn der Gegner am Zug ist SpielstandspeicherBlitzschach Normale StufenTurnierstufen Spaßstufen AnalysestufeKein Zeitlimit MattsuchstufenNutzen SIE Diese Übersicht Hauptvarianten INFO-MODUS Beobachten UND LernenInfo-Modus anwenden INFO-MODUS AUF Einen Blick Optionen FÜR Spielspass UND VielfaltWie wäre es mit einem Hinweis? Einfach fragen Spieloptionen auswählenAutomatisches Spiel Sound bei ZugeingabeStille TrainingsmodusDAS Wichtigste DES OPTIONS-MODUS SO GEHT’S Systemtest Selektive SucheEinfacher Modus ZufallsauswahlPositionen PRÜFEN/AUFBAUEN TurnierbibliothekWichtig Diese Funktion ist nur aktiv Solange DER COM Siehe auch „ES IST EINFACH, Positionen ZU PrüfenES IST EINFACH, Positionen ZU Prüfen Testen SIE DEN POSITIONS-MODUSTechnische Angaben Die ACL-FunktionPflege und Wartung Batterie-InformationenProblemlösungen Symptome Mögliche Ursachen LösungenMise EN Route Rapide Touches ET Fonctions SommairePour Commencer L’ESSENTIEL Options Express DU Mode Take Back DES Fonctions a DecouvrirVoir aussi la figure « Jouer Avec LES Noirs DE Votre Côte » Niveaux DE JEU Les ouvertures répertoriéesReflexion dans le temps de l’adversaire 11 Mémorisation de la partieNiveaux Sudden Death Niveaux de Jeu ClassiquesNiveaux Tournoi Conseils SUR LE Choix D’UN Niveau DE JEU InfiniTableau Mode Info Regarder LES Reflexions DE L’ORDINATEUR ’usage du mode InfoVariante principale Information sur la recherche de l’ordinateurMode Info LES Options FUN ET DivertissementCompteur des coups Suggestions des coupsMode silencieux Mode d’enseignementJeu automatique Tic-Tac d’horlogeCompte à rebours Chronométrage BronsteinMode Jeu facile Mode Jeu aléatoireProgramme test Recherche sélectiveLivre tournoi Verification DES Positions / Mise EN Place DES PiecesLivre actif LE Mode Position ’EST Simple DE Verifier LES Positions DES PiecesFiche Technique La fonction ACLSoins et entretien Information sur les pilesSymptomes Causes Possibles QUE Faire Guide DE Depannage