3. Pro Series Machines
Starting Position
Ending Position
Muscles exercised: Pectoralis, latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoid, teres minor, teres major, tricep.
Setup: Adjust the seat up or down. The seat should be adjusted so that the pivot point aligns with the shoulders. Select desired weight. Put arms onto pads and hands on the handle. Do not grip the handle. Rest feet on floor. Keep back slightly arched and head up.
Performing the exercise: With elbows pushing against the pads, bring your elbows down and in front of you as much as possible. Do not use your hands to push on the bar as doing so will bring the biceps into the exercise. Hold the bar down for a second or two. Slowly return the bar to the upper position
Note: Achieving maximum benefit from this exercise requires some degree of stretching. However, do not select so much weight that the initial resistance makes the exercise overly difficult.