Safety regulations:
3.1Intended use
Vibratory trench roller RW
•It is used in a manner other than its intended use
•It is modifi ed or conversion work is carried out by unqualifi ed persons
•The safety remarks are not observed
•It is not operated or maintained by suitably qualifi ed personnel.
The RW
When operating the roller, adherence to the valid accident prevention regulations and the generally accepted rules of safety, as well as
The point „Fields of application“ (Section 2.1) outlines the designated purpose for which the RW
3.2Operation of the machine
Only suitably qualifi ed and designated persons who have received the appropriate training, and who are over 18 may drive and operate the machine. Fields of responsibility during operation must be clearly defi ned and observed. All persons entrusted with operation, maintenance or repair of the machine must read and adhere to the safety regulations. Where appropriate, this must be confi rmed by the user‘s company by means of a signature by the person or persons concerned.
Persons acting under the infl uence of drugs, medicines or alcohol may not operate, maintain or repair the machine.
Maintenance and repair require specialist knowledge and may only be carried out by qualifi ed specialist personnel.
3.3Safety remarks in the operating and maintenance instructions
This warning sign is an indication of possible danger of personal injury.
This warning sign is an indication of possible impairment to the machine or parts of the equipment.
These parts of the instructions provide technical information intended to ensure optimum economy and effi cient use of the machine.