Problem solving guide
Problem | Possible cause | Remedy |
There is a build up of | Fluff is principally the re- | Fluff is collected by the |
fluff. | sult of friction when gar- | fluff filters and can be |
| ments are being worn | easily removed (see |
| and washed. Machine | "Cleaning and Care"). |
| drying hardly causes any |
| fluff to form and, as has |
| been established by re- |
| search institutes, has no |
| effect on the lifetime of |
| fabric. |
The laundry is not suffi- | The load consisted of dif- | Select a more suitable |
ciently dry. | ferent fabrics. | drying programme next |
| time (see "Programme |
| chart"). |
The interior drum light- | The lighting switched off | The lighting only comes |
ing does not come on. | automatically. | on when the door is |
| opened if the dryer is |
| switched on. |
| It will switch off after a |
| short while if the door is |
| left open. This is to save |
| electricity. |
| The lamp may be defec- | Change the lamp as de- |
| tive. | scribed at the end of this |
| section. |