How to maintain the water inlet
The contamination accumulated at the water inlet will worsen the supply effect.
1 Turn off the tap, and disassemble the water supply hose.
(Refer to page 11 for proper disassembly)
關閉水龍頭,卸下供水管。 (拆卸方法 11)
2 Clean up the contamination accumulated at the filtering net of water inlet.
•If it's hard to clean up the contamination, disassemble
the fi ltering net for east cleanout.
water inlet
Attention 註意
•The filtering net of water inlet shall be recovered to the original shape after cleanout, so as to avoid the failure of
water supply valve.
供水口濾網清洗後,請務必恢復原狀,以免引起供水閥的 故障。
Maintenance to the main unit
Please use the soft cloth to wipe and clean the dirt on
the washing machine body and the control panel. 請用軟布將機體和控制面板上的污垢擦拭乾淨。
Warning 警告
During the course of maintenance and repair, do not spray water directly to any part of the washing machine body.
進行保養時,請勿直接將水淋灑在洗衣機的各個 部位。
•To avoid the happening of short circuit or elec-
tric shock.
Attention 註意
• Please do not use gasoline, thinner, detergent,alkali or weak- alkali detergent and wax to wipe the washing machine body, and please don't use brusher to wipe the body either.
請勿用汽油、稀釋劑、清潔劑、鹼 性或弱鹼性洗衣劑以及蠟等物質 擦拭機體, 也請勿用刷子來擦洗 機身。
• When using the chemical duster cloth, please refer to its user manual.
使用化學抹布時請遵照其使用說 明。
•Remove any detergent adhered to the lid or other plastic components, otherwise it will damage the washing ma-
chine body after long time.
清潔劑沾至機蓋等塑膠部件時,應立即擦除,否則長時間 會損傷機身。
Warning 警告
Tap shall be turned off first before remounting the charging hose. Select "BLANKET" program, slowly turn on the tap after pressing the start button. (it shall be treated the same in case of
斷水後或拆掉供水管又再次裝上時,應先關閉水龍頭,選擇「被毯」程序,在按下開始按鈕後再緩慢打開水龍頭。(長時間 停止也同樣處理) 。
•If there is residue air in the water supply hose and water drainage hose, the washing machine could be damaged by
compressed air, leading to leakage or injury accident.
2013/10/15 15:12:33