When Failure Happens (continued)
| Case 現 象 |
About the |
| Washing doesn't finish beyond | |
| |||
washing |
| the predefined time. | |
| 超過設定時間洗衣仍未結束。 | ||
duration |
| |
關於洗衣 |
| Plus or minus remaining time. | |
時間 |
| 加減所剩時間。 | |
| ||
| |
About the |
| Spinning does not complete | |
air jet dura- |
| within the preset. | |
tion time |
| 超過設定時間乾燥仍未結束。 | |
| ||
關於風乾 |
| |
時間 |
| |
About the Inhal- |
| It is not dried. | |
ing processing |
| 未乾。 | |
關於風乾 |
| |
程度 |
| |
| The power supply switch may |
| not work right away when |
| switching from "OFF" to "ON". |
About the |
| 電源開關由“斷開”轉換到“接 | |
| 通”時,可能不會立即起作用。 | ||
power |
| |
| The indicating LED won't light | ||
switch |
| ||
| right away when the power sup- | ||
關於電源 |
| ||
| ply switch is switched on. | ||
開關 |
| 電源開關“接通”後,指示燈不會 | |
| 立即點亮。 |
| Ten processes LEDS light after the |
| power supply switch is switched off. |
| 電源開關“斷開”後,10個程序指示燈點亮。 |
| |
About the |
| The lid cannot be opened even | |
lid lock |
| when the PAUSE button is | |
關於機蓋 |
| pressed during the spinning. | |
| 脫水過程中,即使按下暫停按鈕也 | ||
緊鎖 |
| 無法立即打開機蓋。 | |
| Water comes out from the water |
| drainage hose during first time |
Others |
| usage. | |
| 第一次使用時,有水從排水管中流出。 | ||
其他 |
| |
| Fulsator rotates but does not display the | ||
| |
| washings load and water quantity after |
| pressing the START button. |
| 按下啟動按鈕後,葉輪轉動但沒有 |
| 顯示洗衣量和水位。 |
Cause 原 因
•The washing time may exceed predefined time in case of ex-
tremely small amount of charged water.
•Correct the remaining duration according to water supply.
•The preset time is the time for spinning, and the actual op- eration time includes the time of clothes rearrangement and clothes balancing, which, will be longer than the preset time by
5~30 minutes.
設定時間是進行風乾脫水的時間,實際運轉時間還要加上理順衣物和 糾正衣物偏斜的時間,大概比設定時間延長5至30分鐘。
•Depending on the amount & types of laundries, air temperature &
moisture, seasons and environment, the completion time may differ.
• Please refer to "Approximate 39
•The power supply switch does not work after the cutoff of the switch and before the extinguishment of the mode LED. If the power supply is
switched on again, please press the switch after the LED extinguishes.
從切斷電源開關到程序指示燈熄滅為止,電源開關不起作用。 若要再次接通電源,請待指示燈熄滅後再按下電源開關。
•The washing machine sound "Hoola, hoola" after the power supply is switched on. About 1 second later, the LED light. (since the software
switch is used, the microcomputer need time for internal treatment.)
接通電源開關後,洗衣機發出“嗶嗶”的聲音,大約1秒鐘後指示燈點 亮。 (由於使用軟體開關,而微電腦進行內部處理需要時間)
•When switching off the power supply with clutch motor in spinning status,
the clutch motor returns to washing status and the mode LEDS light.
離合器電機在脫水狀態下,切斷電源開關時,離合器電機回復至洗衣 狀態,同時程序指示燈點亮。
•After the power supply is cut off, the spinning basket stops
completely, and the lid lock will be unlocked.
•This is the water remains in the drainage hose during tests in
the factory.
•This is because the sensor can not successfully supply can be
cut off and the washing machine will be restarted.
這是由於外來干擾的影響而導致傳感器無法正確檢測造成的。此時可 切斷電源,然後再次啟動。
2013/10/15 15:12:36