summary to remove color spot
In case the laundries are stained with color spot, use "triple detergent soaking & washing" to remove.
1衣物上萬一沾上色斑後,請使用「3 倍洗衣劑浸泡清洗」法去除。
※If the above method fails to clean the color spot, please use bleach to treat as following method.
2Bleach includes oxidizing type and deoxidizing type, oxidizing bleach contains chlorine and oxygen type.
Each type of product has the following features. Therefore, please read the descriptions on bleach packing to sure proper usage.
※Oxidizing type 氧化型
(1)Chlorine type: with strong bleaching and sterilization capacity, No to be use for dyed clothes, or clothes made of wools or silk.
(2)Oxygen type: can be used for dyed laundry and embroidering laundry. The powder bleach can not be used for clothes made of cotton or silk.
※Deoxidizing type 還原型
Used for laundry decolored into yellow or stained with rust due to the iron content, or white shirt collar that turns yellow after using chlorine bleach.It can not be used for dyed or embroidering laundry.
Use of detergent
■Use of detergent
•Please use special detergent (liquid) to wash laundry with "Dry clean" label.
洗衣標誌中有 標誌的衣物,請用乾洗衣物專用洗衣劑(液體)進行洗衣。
The neutral liquid detergent (liquid) can also be used to wash laundry with "Hand wash" label.
有 標誌的衣物也可使用中性洗衣劑(液體)進行洗衣。
•Please refer to the detergent specifi cation for the usage amount of detergent.
•Do not use other detergent except liquid detergent.
For laundry that might shrinks after washing, a paper model shall be prepared in ad- vance to get the laundry back to its original size.