WHAT’S NEW UNDER THE LID? Cleaning with Less Water
washing machine
Washer with
The most striking difference in your new washer is the
As the washer dampens and moves the load, the level of the clothes will settle in the basket. This is normal, and does not indicate that more clothes should be added.
IMPORTANT: You will not see a washer basket full of water like with your past
When loading the washer with dirty laundry, fill it evenly around the basket wall.
Automatic Load Size Sensing
Once you start the cycle, the lid will lock, and the washer will begin the sensing process to determine the correct water level for the load. This may take several minutes. You will find a
The washplate moves the load while water is added in small amounts until the load is wet. This
Choosing the Right Detergent
Use only High Efficiency detergents. The package will be marked “HE” or “High Efficiency.”
Use only High Efficiency (HE) detergent.
Concentrated Cleaning
Normal Sounds You Can Expect
At different stages of the wash cycle, you may hear sounds and noises that are different from those of your previous washer. For example, you may hear a clicking and hum at the beginning of the cycle, as the lid lock goes through a
will be different kinds of humming and whirring sounds as the washplate moves the load. And sometimes, you may hear nothing at all, as the washer determines the correct water level for your load or allows time for clothes to soak.