dryer(Ifslopeisgreaterthan1"[2..5cm],installExtended DryerFeetKit,PartNo.279810Clothesmaynottumble.) properlyandautomaticsensorcyclesmaynotoperate correctlyifdryerisnotlevel.
Donotoperateyourdryerattemperaturesbelow45°F(7°C)At. lowertemperatures,thedryermightnotshutoffattheendofan
Thedryermustnotbeinstalledorstoredinanareawhereitwill beexposedtowaterand/orweather.
Custom undercounter installation - Dryer only
2" • | _ |
36" rnin |
'%1I IJ |
| |
1"* _ | _ | 1"* |
2 5 crn | (68.6 crn) | {2.5 cm) |
*Additional spacing recommended
Closet installation - Dryer only
I1t L | _3" |
(7.6crn) |
Installation clearances
. f,6 ,oI
The location must be large enough to allow the dryer door to open fully.
Dryer Dimensions
(128.27 cm)
(91.4 cm)
(72.77 cm) | 27" |
(68.6 cm)
*Most installations require a minimum 51/2''(14 cm) clearance behind the dryer for the exhaust vent with elbow. See "Venting Requirements."
BI_Itll | I I | 24in.2 |
11"_ 28.6s"_o"*1 | 7 | |
(2.5cm) (72.77cm) | (Ocm) |
A |
| B |
A. Side view - closet or confined area
B. Closet door with vents
*Side or bottom venting - additional spacing recommended
Recessed or closet installation - Dryer on pedestal
Minimum installation spacing for recessed area, custom undercounter or closet installation
The following dimensions shown are for the minimum spacing allowed.
•Additional spacing should be considered for ease of installation and servicing.
•Additional clearances might be required for wall, door and floor moldings.
•Additional spacing of 1" (2.5 cm) on all sides of the dryer is recommended to reduce noise transfer.
For closet installation, with a door, minimum ventilation openings in the top and bottom of the door are required. Louvered doors with equivalent ventilation openings are acceptable.
•Companion appliance spacing should also be considered.
A. Recessed area
B. Side view - closet or confined area
*Additional spacing recommended
**Side or bottom venting - additional spacing recommended