Kenwood TS-590S instruction manual $6,&&20081,&$7,216, 66%75$160,66,21

Page 29



SSB is the most commonly-used mode on the HF Amateur radio bands. Compared with other voice modes, SSB requires only a narrow bandwidth for communications. SSB also allows long distance communications with minimum transmission power.

If necessary, refer to “OPERATING BASICS”, beginning on page 10, for details on how to receive.

1Select an operating frequency.

2Press [LSB/USB] until “USB” or “LSB” appears on the operating mode display.

If the desired sideband (“USB” or “LSB”) does not appear, select the other sideband first. Then, press [LSB/USB]. The mode indicator changes to your desired sideband.

“USB” represents the upper sideband and “LSB” represents the lower sideband. Normally, USB is used for the communications for

10 MHz and above while LSB is used for the frequencies below 10 MHz.

3Press [MIC (CAR)] to adjust the Microphone gain.

The current gain level appears on the sub- display.

4Press and hold Mic [PTT].

The TX-RX LED lights red.

Refer to “VOX” {page 30} for information on automatic TX/ RX switching.

5Speak into the microphone and turn the MULTI/CH control so that the ALC meter reflects your voice level but does not exceed the ALC limit.

Speak in your normal tone and level of voice. Speaking too close to the microphone or too loudly may increase distortion and reduce intelligibility at the receiving end.

You may want to use the Speech Processor. Refer to “SPEECH PROCESSOR” {page 31} for details.

6Release Mic [PTT] to return to Reception mode.

The TX-RX LED lights green or turns off, depending on the SQL control position.

7Press [MIC (CAR)] or [CLR] to exit the Microphone gain adjustment.

Refer to “COMMUNICATING AIDS”, beginning on page 28, for information on additional useful operation functions.


FM is a common mode for communicating on VHF or UHF frequencies. As for HF and the 6 m band,

29 MHz and 51-54 MHz bands are commonly used for FM operation. You can also utilize 10 m/ 6 m band repeaters to reach your friends when they are outside or skipped over from your coverage. Although FM requires a wider bandwidth when compared to SSB or AM mode, it has the finest audio quality among these modes. When combined with the full-quieting aspect of FM signals, which suppresses background noise on the frequency, FM can be the best method for maintaining casual communications with your local friends.

If necessary, refer to “OPERATING BASICS”, beginning on page 10, for details on how to receive.

1Select an operating frequency.

2Press [FM/AM (FM-N)]until “FM” appears.

If “FM” does not appear, select “AM”, then press [FM/AM (FM-N)]. The mode indicator changes to “FM”.

3Press and hold Mic [PTT].

The TX-RX LED lights red.

Refer to “VOX” {page 30} for information on automatic TX/ RX switching.

4Speak into the microphone in your normal voice.

Speaking too close to the microphone or too loudly may increase distortion and reduce intelligibility at the receiving end.

You can switch the Microphone gain for FM between 1 (Normal), 2 (Medium), and 3 (High) by using Menu No. 47. 1 (Normal) is usually appropriate; however, select 3 (High) if other stations report that your modulation is weak.

5Release Mic [PTT] to return to Reception mode.

The TX-RX LED lights green or turns off, depending on the SQL control position.

Refer to “COMMUNICATING AIDS”, beginning on page 28, for additional information on useful operation functions.

Note: Microphone gain adjustment for SSB or AM has no effect in FM mode. In FM mode, you must select 1 (Normal), 2 (Medium), or 3 (High) in Menu No. 47.


Image 29
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