Kenwood TS-590S $55,5/9, 32521066$, %$6,&&20081,&$7,216 $872=52%$7, 6,72153,7&+5481

Page 31



Use Auto Zero-beat before transmitting to tune in a CW station. Auto Zero-beat automatically and exactly matches your transmit frequency with the station you are receiving. Neglecting to do this will reduce your chances of being heard by the other station.

1Tune to the CW signal using the Tuning control.

2Press [CW T. (AGC OFF)] to start Auto Zero-beat while CW is selected for the operating mode.

“CW TUNE” appears.

Your reception frequency automatically changes so that the pitch (tone) of the received signal exactly matches the TX sidetone/ RX pitch frequency that you have selected. Refer to “TX SIDETONE/ RX PITCH FREQUENCY” {below}.

When matching is completed, “CW TUNE” disappears.

If matching is unsuccessful, the previous frequency is restored.

3To quit Auto Zero-beat, press [CW T. (AGC OFF)] or [CLR].


XWhen using Auto Zero-beat, the matching error is normally within ±5 Hz.

XAuto Zero-beat may fail if the keying speed of the target station is too slow or if some interference is present.

XWhen the RIT function is ON, only RIT frequencies change to make the Auto Zero-beat adjustment.


As you send CW, you will hear tones from the transceiver speaker. These are called TX (transmission) sidetones. Listening to these tones, you can monitor what you are transmitting. You may also use the tones to ensure that your key contacts are closing, the keyer is functioning, or to practice sending without actually putting a signal on the air.

RX (reception) pitch refers to the frequency of CW that you hear after tuning in a CW station.

On this transceiver, the frequency of the sidetone and RX pitch are equal and selectable. Access Menu No. 34 to select the frequency that is most comfortable for you. The selectable range is from 300 Hz to 1000 Hz in steps of 50 Hz (default is 800 Hz).

To change the volume of the TX sidetone, access Menu No. 4. The selections range from 1 to 9 and OFF (default is 5).


XThe position of the AF control does not affect the volume of the TX sidetone.

XWhen changing the CW pitch/ side tone, the shift amount of the receive filter is automatically applied to the CW pitch/ side tone. (In Quick Memory mode, the CW pitch/ side tone is not revised since the receive filter information stored in the Quick Memory has priority.)


When using AM, CW, or FSK mode, you can adjust the carrier level.

1Press and hold [MIC (CAR].

The current gain level appears on the sub display.

2Turn the MULTI/CH control so that the ALC meter reads within the limits of the ALC zone.

For AM mode, adjust the MULTI/CH control so that the ALC meter just begins to indicate.

3Press and hold [MIC (CAR] again or press [CLR] to complete the setting.


Each time you switch the transceiver ON, “KENWOOD” (default) appears on the sub display for approximately 2 seconds. You can program your favorite message in place of the default message. You can enter a message using up to 8 characters.

1Press [MENU], then press [Q-M.IN]/ [Q-MR]or turn the MULTI/CH control to access Menu No 87.

2Press [M.IN]/ [SCAN (SG.SEL)] to begin editing the message.

3Move the cursor to the left or right by pressing [Q- M.IN] or [Q-MR].

4Press [M.IN]/ [SCAN (SG.SEL] or turn the MULTI/ CH control to select your desired character.

You can delete the selected character by pressing [CL].

5Repeat steps 3 and 4 to enter the remaining characters.

6Press [MENU] to set the entry and exit character entry mode.

Press [CLR] at any time to cancel character entry mode and return to the Menu selection.


Image 31
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