Kenwood TS-590S instruction manual 167$//$7,21, $1711$&211&7,21, 5281&211&7,21, +71,1*3527&7,21

Page 9



An antenna system consists of an antenna, feed line, and ground. The transceiver can give excellent results if the antenna system and its installation are JLYHQFDUHIXODWWHQWLRQ8VHDSURSHUO\DGMXVWHGŸ DQWHQQDRIJRRGTXDOLW\DKLJKTXDOLW\ŸFRD[LDO cable, and top-quality connectors. All connections must be clean and tight.

After making the connections, match the impedance of the coaxial cable and antenna so that the SWR is 1.5:1 or less. High SWR will cause the transmit output to drop and may lead to radio frequency interference with consumer products such as stereo receivers and televisions. You may even cause interference with your own transceiver. Reports that your signal is distorted could indicate that your antenna system is not efficiently radiating your transceiver’s power.

Connect your primary HF/ 50 MHz antenna feed line to ANT 1 on the rear of the transceiver. If you are using two HF/ 50 MHz antennas, connect the secondary antenna to ANT 2. Refer to page 9 for the location of the antenna connectors.

The LF band is outputed only from the DRV terminal.


XTransmitting without connecting an antenna or other matched load may damage the transceiver. Always connect the antenna to the transceiver before transmitting.

XAll fixed stations should be equipped with a lightning arrester to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and transceiver damage.

XThe transceiver’s protection circuit will activate when the SWR is greater than 1.5:1; however, do not rely on protection to compensate for a poorly functioning antenna system.


At a minimum, a good DC ground is required to prevent such dangers as electric shock. For superior communications, a good RF ground is required against which the antenna system can operate. Both of these conditions can be met by providing a good earth ground for your station. Bury one or more ground rods or a large copper plate under the ground, then connect this to the transceiver GND terminal. Use heavy gauge wire or a copper strap, cut as short as possible, for this connection. Do not use a gas pipe, an electrical conduit, or a plastic water pipe as a ground.



Even in areas where lightning storms are less common, there is always a chance that a storm will occur each year. Consider carefully how to protect your equipment and home from lightning. The installation of a lightning arrestor is a start, but there is more that you can do. For example, terminate your antenna system transmission lines at an entry panel that you install outside your home. Ground this entry panel to a good outside ground, then connect the appropriate feed lines between the entry panel and your transceiver. When a lightning storm occurs, disconnecting the feed lines from your transceiver will ensure additional protection.


In order to use this transceiver, you need a separate

13.8V DC power supply that must be purchased separately. Do not directly connect the transceiver to an AC outlet. Use the supplied DC power cable to connect the transceiver to a regulated power supply. Do not substitute a cable with smaller gauge wires. The current capacity of the power supply must be

20.5A peak or more.

First, connect the DC power cable to the regulated DC power supply; the red lead to the positive terminal and the black lead to the negative terminal. Next, connect the DC power cable to the transceiver’s DC power connector.

Press the connectors firmly until the locking tab clicks.

Attach the line filter to the DC cable as shown below (E-type only).


XBefore connecting the DC power supply to the transceiver, be sure to switch OFF the DC power supply and transceiver.

XDo not plug the DC power supply into an AC outlet until you make all connections.

Fuse (25 A)

E-type only

Black (ï)

Red (+)

DC Power supply (20.5 A or more)


Image 9
Contents Notification TS-590SPage $7856 +$1.28127,&727+865 2567$57,11*&21917,2162//2 Accessory Comment Quantity Type6833/,$&&6625,6 Instruction Action35&$87,216 217176 217176 Memory FeaturesData Communications Rejecting InterferenceTroubleshooting Installing OptionsOptional Accessories Specifications$1711$&211&7,21 167$//$7,215281&211&7,21 +71,1*3527&7,2187,/,=,1*7+%$ $&&6625&211&7,21653/$&,1*866 GND Stby MIC GND MIC PTT Down 77,1*$&48$,17 KEY Delay52173$1 Meter DRV*77,1*$&48$,17 CH2 REC CH1 RECCH3 REC RX/4 RECAbcd ,63/$*77,1*$&48$,17 523+21 $53$1+,1*325212 235$7,1*%$6,&6$-867,1*7+92/80 1*92$2592%1*$02 1*$%$1235$7,1*%$6,&6 Gene08/7,81&7,21075 $-867,1*7+648/&+781,1*$5481 Meter Name Parameters Measured1*75$160,66,21325 75$160,77,1523+21*$,1 Press PWR TX Moni+$7,6$018 0186783018$018% 018$&&660186783 018&21,*85$7,21AM MULTI/CH Control ON/ OFF Auto Mode OperationFM MULTI/CH Control Number of Quick Memory ChannelsTIME-OUT Timer CW WeightingCW Rise Time BUG KEY FunctionTX Inhibit Constant RecordingCOM Port Baudrate USB Port BaudratePower on Message Auto Power OFFUSB VOX Gain ACC2 VOX GainAvailable alphanumeric characters +$5$&75175$6,&&20081,&$7,216 66%75$160,66,2175$160,66,21 $075$160,66,21 $552%$1,7+250%$6,&&20081,&$7,216 32521066$ $55,5/9%$6,&&20081,&$7,216 $872=52%$7 6,72153,7&+5481+$1&&20081,&$7,216 63/,75481&235$7,2167 75$160,66,215481&67 53$75235$7,21 1+$1&&20081,&$7,21675$160,77,1*$721 7215481&,6&$1 &7&66235$7,21 6HOHFWLQJD7RQHUHTXHQF\ Press AGC/T SEL665481&,6&$1 526672137,21 20081,&$7,1*$,61*2855481  LUHFWUHTXHQF\QWU\&20081,&$7,1*$,6  5&,9,1&5017$/781,1* $*& $8720$7,&*$,1&21752/ 92 92,&235$775$160,66,21 75$160,66,21 0LFURSKRQH,QSXW/HYHO  HOD\7LPH63&+352&6625 Press M.IN/ Scan SG.SEL to set your desired delay time 75$160,7,1&5017$/781,1*  6SHHFK3URFHVVRUIIHFW86/2&.287 75$160,7,1+,%,7+$1*,1*5481&+,/75$160,77,1  UHTXHQF\5HVSRQVH&XUYHV7521,&.5 %5$.,186,1*60,%5$.,1258//%5$.,1 7521,&.502$872,*+7,1 &20081,&$7,1*$,6 7,02066$*0025 .81&7,21 7UDQVPLWWLQJ&0HVVDJHV 5481&&255&7,2125 &KDQJLQJWKH&6LGHWRQH9ROXPH  ,QVHUW.H\LQJ&20081,&$7,1*$,6 $872&7,166%02 831.3$/02$327$1$6+3$/326,7,216 $,27/73 577 $7$&20081,&$7,216+$66+,7.,1*%$8 36. A./ Canada Iaru Region Europe/ Africa63,/756 1*,17551+$1*,1*7+63,/75%$1,7+  DWD0RGH$872127&+,/75 66% 5-&7,1*,17551$18$/127&+,/75 66%&6. $7&$1&/ 66%$0 35$03/,,5 12,6%/$1.5$7718$725 5956 5&37,21 0025&+$11/6 0025$78566725,1*$7$,10025  6LPSOH&KDQQHOV002575$165 0025$7856 00255&$//$16&52 0HPRU\5HFDOO  0HPRU\6FUROO6725,1*5481&5$1*6 0025$78560025&+$11//2&.287 48,&.0025$6,1*0025&+$11/6 0025&+$11/1$06725,1*,17248,&.0025 0025$7856 180%5248,&.0025&+$11/6$//,1*48,&.0025&+$11/6 70325$55481&&+$1*6926&$1 1250$/6&$1352*5$06&$1 Press and hold Scan SG.SEL352*5$06&$13$57,$//6/2 6&$16&$1 $1+2 00256&$1$15680 $//&+$11/6&$16&$1 52836&$1 48,&.00256&$1 0HPRU\*URXS  6FDQ*URXS6HOHFW$1711$6 235$725&2191,1&6$32 $XWR3RZHU2 $8720$7,&$1711$7815$87202 Internal Antenna Tuner Preset Frequency Range MHz235$725&2191,1&6 35677,1Mode Morse Code Output 81&7,21Beep Type Meaning 63/$ $5$03/,,5&2175281&7,216 352*5$00$%/81&7,21.6 75$16&,9552173$1523+21.6 63548$/,=5 2877,0575$169575 325 021,725781 48,&.$7$75$165235$725&2191,1&6 86,1*48,&.75$165 203875&2175220081,&$7,213$5$0756  7UDQVIHUULQJDWD+$1*,1*7+6,*1$/257+&20750,1$ 235$725&2191,1&6 751$/$8,2677,1*621752//,1*7+766520$3  $XGLR/HYHO6HWWLQJV066$*3/$%$ 235$725&2191,1&6 25,1*066$*6 &KHFNLQJ0HVVDJHV  6HQGLQJ0HVVDJHV2167$175&25,1 Operations using VOICE1 Announcement92,&*8  &KDQJLQJ0HVVDJH3OD\EDFN9ROXPHSET FSK REV/ FM/AM 9RLFH*XLGH$QQRXQFHPHQW9ROXPH 05*1&&$// .7321/  9RLFH*XLGH$QQRXQFHPHQW6SHHG  9RLFH*XLGH$QQRXQFHPHQW/DQJXDJH5266%$153$75 3$&.7&/8675781235$7,21 &200$1,,,$*5$0 &200$1353$5$7,21 6WDUWLQJ6N\&RPPDQG,,RSHUDWLRQ750,1$/6&5,37,216 211&7,1*35,3+5$/48,301720&211&725 $&&&211&725&211&725 $7&211&725 IRU$7 203875 203$7,%/75$16&,95&211&7,1*35,3+5$/48,3017 +0+/,1$5$03/,,5 577235$7,2171&$10&3 $1711$78155266%$153$75 167$//,1*237,216 5029,1*7+%27720&$692,&*8, 6725$*81,7 551&5481&&$/,%5$7,21 627&2,167$//,1*237,216 TS-590S transceiver without SO-335&$87,216 02%,/%5$&.715$/,1250$7,21 7528%/6+227,1659 659,&1277528%/6+227,1 Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action7528%/6+227,1 Followed7528%/6+227,1 MCP $/677,1*6 52352&662556792567 5673256833 235$7,21127,&61751$/&22/,1*$1 1751$/%$76VGS-1 237,21$/$&&6625,663&,,&$7,216 SSB/ CW/ FSK/ AM 63&,,&$7,216 TransmitterCW/ FSK $XGLRRXWSXW ŸGLVWRUWLRQ
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