Kenwood TS-590S 235$7,1*%$6,&6, +,1*325212, $-867,1*7+92/80, 1*92$2592%

Page 18



1Switch the DC power supply ON.

2Press [] to switch the transceiver ON.

If you hold the power switch for more than approximately 2 seconds, the transceiver will switch back OFF.

Upon power up, “HELLO” appears on the main display, followed by the current frequency and other indicators.

3To switch the transceiver OFF, press [] again.

4Switch the DC power supply OFF.

You may skip step 3. After switching the transceiver ON, you can switch it OFF or ON using only the power switch of the DC power supply. The transceiver remembers the power switch position when the DC power source is switched OFF.


$) $8',2)5(48(1&< *$,1

Turn the AF control clockwise to increase the audio level and counterclockwise to decrease it.

Note: The position of the AF control does not affect the volume of beeps caused by pressing keys nor the CW TX sidetone. The audio level for Digital mode operation is also independent of the AF control setting.

5) 5$',2)5(48(1&< *$,1

The RF gain is normally configured to the maximum level regardless of the operating modes. The transceiver has been configured to the maximum level at the factory. However, you may decrease the RF gain slightly when you have trouble hearing the desired signal due to excessive atmospheric noise or interference from other stations.

First, take note of the peak S-meter reading of the desired signal. Then, turn the RF control counterclockwise until the S-meter reads the peak value that you noted.

Signals that are weaker than this level will be attenuated and reception of the station will become easier.

Depending on the type and gain of your antenna and the condition of the band, adjust the RF gain. When using FM mode, always adjust the RF gain to the maximum level.


Two VFOs are available for controlling the frequency on the transceiver. Each VFO (VFO A and VFO B) works independently so that a different frequency and mode can be selected. For example, when SPLIT operation is activated, VFO A is used for reception and VFO B is used for transmission. The opposite combination is also possible.

Press [A/B (A=B)] to toggle between VFO A and B.


Image 18
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