Kenwood TS-590S +$1&&20081,&$7,216, 63/,75481&235$7,21, 67 75$160,66,215481&67

Page 32



Usually you can communicate with other stations using a single frequency for receiving and transmitting. In this case, you select only one frequency on either VFO A or VFO B. However, there are cases where you must select one frequency for receiving and a different frequency for transmitting. This requires the use of 2 VFOs. This is referred to as “split-frequency operation”. One typical case which requires this type of operation is when you use an FM repeater {page 25}. Another typical case is when you call a rare DX station.

When a rare or desirable DX station is heard, that operator may immediately get many simultaneous responses. Often, such a station is lost under the noise and confusion of many calling stations. If you find that you are suddenly being called by many operators, it

is your responsibility to control the situation. You may announce that you will be “listening up 5 (kHz, from your present transmission frequency)”, or “listening down between 5 and 10 (kHz)”.

1Press [A/B (A=B)] to select VFO A or VFO B.

• “ ” or “ ” appears to show which VFO is selected.

2Select an operating frequency.

This frequency will be used for transmission.

To copy the selected VFO frequency to the other VFO, press and hold [A/B (A=B)].

3Press [A/B (A=B)] to select the other VFO.

4Select an operating frequency.

• This frequency will be used for reception.

5Press [SPLIT].

” appears.

Each time you press [A/B (A=B)], the reception and transmission frequencies are swapped.

6To quit split-frequency operation, press [SPLIT] again.

• “” disappears.

7)6(7 75$160,66,21)5(48(1&<6(7

TF-SET allows you to temporarily switch your transmission frequency and reception frequency. Canceling this function immediately restores the original transmission and reception frequencies.

By activating TF-SET, you can listen on your transmit frequency, and change it while listening. This allows you to check whether or not the newly selected transmission frequency is free of interference.

1Configure split-frequency operation as explained in the previous section.

2Press and hold [TF-SET], then turn the Tuning control or press Mic [UP]/ [DWN] to change the transmission frequency.

The transceiver receives on the frequency as you change, but the frequency shown on the sub-display (the original reception frequency) stays unchanged.

3Release [TF-SET].

You are now receiving again on your original reception frequency.

Successfully contacting a DX station in a pileup often depends on making a well-timed call on a clear frequency. That is, it is important to select a relatively clear transmission frequency and to transmit at the exact instant when the DX station is listening but the majority of the groups aren’t transmitting. Switch your reception and transmission frequencies by using the TF-SET function and listen to your transmission frequency. You will soon learn the rhythm of the DX station and the pileup. The more proficient you become at using this function, the more DX stations you will contact.


XTF-SET is disabled while transmitting.

XYou can change the transmission frequency even when the Frequency lock function is ON.

XAn RIT offset frequency is not added; however, an XIT offset frequency is added to the transmit frequency during TF-SET.


Image 32
Contents TS-590S NotificationPage +$1.28 $7856127,&727+865 2567$57,1Accessory Comment Quantity Type 1*&21917,2162//26833/,$&&6625,6 Instruction Action35&$87,216 217176 Memory Features 217176Data Communications Rejecting InterferenceInstalling Options TroubleshootingOptional Accessories Specifications167$//$7,21 $1711$&211&7,215281&211&7,21 +71,1*3527&7,2153/$&,1*866 87,/,=,1*7+%$$&&6625&211&7,216 GND Stby MIC GND MIC PTT Down KEY Delay 77,1*$&48$,1752173$1 Meter DRV*77,1*$&48$,17 CH1 REC CH2 RECCH3 REC RX/4 REC,63/$ Abcd*77,1*$&48$,17 $53$1 523+21235$7,1*%$6,&6 +,1*325212$-867,1*7+92/80 1*92$2592%1*$%$1 1*$02235$7,1*%$6,&6 Gene$-867,1*7+648/&+ 08/7,81&7,21075781,1*$5481 Meter Name Parameters Measured75$160,77,1 1*75$160,66,21325523+21*$,1 Press PWR TX Moni0186783 +$7,6$018018$018% 018$&&66018&21,*85$7,21 0186783ON/ OFF Auto Mode Operation AM MULTI/CH ControlFM MULTI/CH Control Number of Quick Memory ChannelsCW Weighting TIME-OUT TimerCW Rise Time BUG KEY FunctionConstant Recording TX InhibitCOM Port Baudrate USB Port BaudrateAuto Power OFF Power on MessageUSB VOX Gain ACC2 VOX Gain+$5$&75175 Available alphanumeric characters75$160,66,21 $6,&&20081,&$7,21666%75$160,66,21 %$6,&&20081,&$7,216 $075$160,66,21$552%$1,7+250 $55,5/9 32521066$%$6,&&20081,&$7,216 $872=52%$7 6,72153,7&+548167 75$160,66,215481&67 +$1&&20081,&$7,21663/,75481&235$7,21 75$160,77,1*$721 53$75235$7,211+$1&&20081,&$7,216 &7&66235$7,21 7215481&,6&$1 6HOHFWLQJD7RQHUHTXHQF\ Press AGC/T SEL5266721 665481&,6&$120081,&$7,1*$,6 37,211*2855481  LUHFWUHTXHQF\QWU\$*& $8720$7,&*$,1&21752/ &20081,&$7,1*$,6 5&,9,1&5017$/781,1* 75$160,66,21 92 92,&235$775$160,66,21  0LFURSKRQH,QSXW/HYHO  HOD\7LPHPress M.IN/ Scan SG.SEL to set your desired delay time 63&+352&6625 75$160,7,1&5017$/781,1*  6SHHFK3URFHVVRUIIHFW75$160,7,1+,%,7 86/2&.287+$1*,1*5481&+,/75$160,77,1  UHTXHQF\5HVSRQVH&XUYHV%5$.,1 7521,&.586,1*60,%5$.,1258//%5$.,1 7521,&.502&20081,&$7,1*$,6 7,02 $872,*+7,1066$*0025 .81&7,215481&&255&7,2125  7UDQVPLWWLQJ&0HVVDJHV &KDQJLQJWKH&6LGHWRQH9ROXPH  ,QVHUW.H\LQJ$327$1$6+3$/326,7,216 &20081,&$7,1*$,6 $872&7,166%02831.3$/02 $7$&20081,&$7,216 $,27/73 577 +$66+,7.,1*%$8 36. A./ Canada Iaru Region Europe/ Africa1*,17551 63,/756+$1*,1*7+63,/75%$1,7+  DWD0RGH5-&7,1*,17551 $872127&+,/75 66% $18$/127&+,/75 66%&6. $7&$1&/ 66%$0 12,6%/$1.5 35$03/,,5$7718$725 5956 5&37,21 0025$7856 0025&+$11/66725,1*$7$,10025  6LPSOH&KDQQHOV0025$7856 00255&$//$16&52 002575$165 0HPRU\5HFDOO  0HPRU\6FUROO0025$7856 6725,1*5481&5$1*648,&.0025 0025&+$11//2&.287$6,1*0025&+$11/6 0025&+$11/1$00025$7856 180%5248,&.0025&+$11/6 6725,1*,17248,&.0025$//,1*48,&.0025&+$11/6 70325$55481&&+$1*61250$/6&$1 926&$1352*5$06&$1 Press and hold Scan SG.SEL6&$1 352*5$06&$13$57,$//6/200256&$1 6&$1 $1+2$15680 $//&+$11/6&$148,&.00256&$1 6&$1 52836&$1 0HPRU\*URXS  6FDQ*URXS6HOHFW235$725&2191,1&6 $1711$6$32 $XWR3RZHU2 $8720$7,&$1711$7815Internal Antenna Tuner Preset Frequency Range MHz $87202235$725&2191,1&6 35677,1Beep Type Meaning Mode Morse Code Output81&7,21 81&7,216 63/$$5$03/,,5&21752 523+21.6 352*5$00$%/81&7,21.675$16&,9552173$1 75$169575 63548$/,=52877,05 021,725 325781 48,&.$7$75$165203875&21752 235$725&2191,1&6 86,1*48,&.75$16520081,&$7,213$5$0756  7UDQVIHUULQJDWD235$725&2191,1&6 751$/$8,2677,1*6 +$1*,1*7+6,*1$/257+&20750,1$21752//,1*7+766520$3  $XGLR/HYHO6HWWLQJV235$725&2191,1&6 25,1*066$*6 066$*3/$%$ &KHFNLQJ0HVVDJHV  6HQGLQJ0HVVDJHVOperations using VOICE1 Announcement 2167$175&25,192,&*8  &KDQJLQJ0HVVDJH3OD\EDFN9ROXPHFSK REV/ FM/AM SET05*1&&$// .7321/  9RLFH*XLGH$QQRXQFHPHQW9ROXPH 9RLFH*XLGH$QQRXQFHPHQW6SHHG  9RLFH*XLGH$QQRXQFHPHQW/DQJXDJH235$7,21 5266%$153$753$&.7&/8675781 &200$1 &200$1,,,$*5$0353$5$7,21 6WDUWLQJ6N\&RPPDQG,,RSHUDWLRQ211&7,1*35,3+5$/48,3017 750,1$/6&5,37,21620&211&725 $&&&211&725$7&211&725 IRU$7 &211&725&211&7,1*35,3+5$/48,3017 203875203$7,%/75$16&,95 577235$7,21 +0+/,1$5$03/,,5$1711$7815 71&$10&35266%$153$75 92,&*8, 6725$*81,7 167$//,1*237,2165029,1*7+%27720&$6 627&2 551&5481&&$/,%5$7,21,167$//,1*237,216 TS-590S transceiver without SO-302%,/%5$&.7 35&$87,2167528%/6+227,1 15$/,1250$7,21659 659,&127Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action 7528%/6+227,17528%/6+227,1 Followed7528%/6+227,1 MCP 52352&6625567 $/677,1*692567 567235$7,21127,&6 32568331751$/&22/,1*$1 1751$/%$76237,21$/$&&6625,6 VGS-163&,,&$7,216 63&,,&$7,216 Transmitter SSB/ CW/ FSK/ AMCW/ FSK $XGLRRXWSXW ŸGLVWRUWLRQ
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