Kenwood TS-590S instruction manual 235$7,21127,&6, 3256833, 1751$/&22/,1*$1, 1751$/%$76

Page 87



The transceiver has been designed and engineered to avoid possible hardware glitches. However, you may notice the following symptoms when you operate the transceiver. These symptoms are not malfunctions.


As stated in the SPECIFICATIONS {page 80}, this transceiver requires a supplied DC voltage source of

13.8V ±15%. If you find that the transceiver cannot be switched ON, or that it shuts OFF automatically, the DC voltage may be outside the specified range.

In such a case, remove the DC cable from the transceiver immediately and confirm that the supplied voltage is within the specified range.


The transceiver detects the temperature of the final department regardless of the transmission and reception state of the main body, in order to protect the internal circuits from high temperatures. The cooling fan speed and transmission output is controled through the following.

When the thermistor detects a rise in temperature in the final department, the cooling fan turns on at low speed. As the temperature rises, the speed of the cooling fan increases.

When an abnormally high temperature is detected, the temperature protection circuit activates, reducing the transmission output to the lowest possible power.

When the temperature protection circuit activates, return the transceiver to receive mode and leave the transceiver power ON. Allow time for the cooling fan to return the internal temperature to normal.

If you turn the transceiver power OFF, the cooling fan will not run and it will take much longer for the internal temperature to decrease.


On some spots of the receiver frequencies, the S-meter moves or you cannot receive any signals. This is inevitable when you use superheterodyne receivers. You may notice the signals on the following spots of the frequency:

15.600.00 MHz

31.200.00 MHz

46.800.00 MHz


When you turn the AGC function OFF {page 29}, the receiving audio signals can be distorted. In this case, decrease the RF gain, turn the pre-amplifier OFF, or turn the attenuator ON. In general, the RF gain must be greatly reduced when the AGC is turned OFF.

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Effective from July 3, 2003, FCC Report and Order (R&O) in ET Docket 02-98 granted US amateurs secondary access to five discrete channels in the vicinity of 5 MHz. General, Advanced, and Amateur Extra licensees may use the following five channels on a secondary basis with a maximum effective radiated power of 50 W PEP relative to a half wave dipole. Only upper sideband suppressed carrier voice transmissions may be used. The frequencies are 5330.5, 5346.5, 5366.5, 5371.5 and 5403.5 kHz. The occupied bandwidth is limited to 2.8 kHz centered on 5332, 5348, 5368, 5373, and 5405 kHz respectively. The TS-590S transceiver stops at the 60 m band as you scroll up or down the amateur radio frequency bands. For more information, contact ARRL or search their Web site using the key word “60 meter”:


Image 87
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