Kenwood TS-590S instruction manual *77,1*$&48$,17

Page 16




Appears when the VOX (Voice Operated Transmission) function is ON or the Break-in function is ON for CW mode {page 30}.

Appears when the Frequency Lock function is ON {page 53}.

Appears when the Speech Processor function is ON {page 31}.

Appears when the constant recording function is ON {page 60}.

Reserved for future updates.

Appears when the selected Menu No. is in the Quick Menu list {page 14}. It also appears when the transceiver is scanning the frequencies between the slow down frequency points {page 47}.

Appears when Receive Incremental Tuning function is ON {page 29}.

Appears when Transmit Incremental Tuning function is ON {page 31}.

—— F ——

(Main DIsplay)

In normal operating mode and various configuration modes, it displays the transceiver operating frequency. In Menu mode, it displays the various menus, and in Adjustment mode, it displays the adjustment values.


When recalling a memory channel, it displays the Memory Channel name (if one has been programmed). During split frequency operation, it displays the frequency. When the following indications occur simultaneously, information is displayed in the following order: RIT/XIT frequency, Split frequency, Memory Name. In Menu mode, it displays a menu title. In other modes, it displays the configuration parameters.

Appears when the split-frequency operation is ON {page 24}.

” appears while VFO A is selected. “” appears while transmitting on a split channel in VFO A {page 10}. “” appears while Menu A is being accessed in Menu mode {page 14}.

—— E ——

Appears when the RX ANT terminal is enabled {page 50}.

Either “” or “” appears, depending on which antenna connector is selected {page 50}.

” appears while the internal antenna tuner

{page 61} is in-line for operation. “” appears while receiving when the internal antenna tuner is in-line for operation. “” and “” blink while tuning is in progress {page 50}.

” appears while VFO B is selected. “” appears while transmitting on a split channel in VFO B {page 10}. “” appears while Menu B is being accessed in Menu mode {page 14}.

” appears while a simplex memory channel

is selected. “” appears while a split memory channel is selected {page 41}.

Appears when the DRV terminal is enabled {page 50}.


Image 16
Contents TS-590S NotificationPage +$1.28 $7856127,&727+865 2567$57,1Accessory Comment Quantity Type 1*&21917,2162//26833/,$&&6625,6 Instruction Action35&$87,216 217176 Memory Features 217176Data Communications Rejecting InterferenceInstalling Options TroubleshootingOptional Accessories Specifications167$//$7,21 $1711$&211&7,215281&211&7,21 +71,1*3527&7,21$&&6625&211&7,216 87,/,=,1*7+%$53/$&,1*866 GND Stby MIC GND MIC PTT Down KEY Delay 77,1*$&48$,1752173$1 Meter DRV*77,1*$&48$,17 CH1 REC CH2 RECCH3 REC RX/4 REC,63/$ Abcd*77,1*$&48$,17 $53$1 523+21235$7,1*%$6,&6 +,1*325212$-867,1*7+92/80 1*92$2592%1*$%$1 1*$02235$7,1*%$6,&6 Gene$-867,1*7+648/&+ 08/7,81&7,21075781,1*$5481 Meter Name Parameters Measured75$160,77,1 1*75$160,66,21325523+21*$,1 Press PWR TX Moni0186783 +$7,6$018018$018% 018$&&66018&21,*85$7,21 0186783ON/ OFF Auto Mode Operation AM MULTI/CH ControlFM MULTI/CH Control Number of Quick Memory ChannelsCW Weighting TIME-OUT TimerCW Rise Time BUG KEY FunctionConstant Recording TX InhibitCOM Port Baudrate USB Port BaudrateAuto Power OFF Power on MessageUSB VOX Gain ACC2 VOX Gain+$5$&75175 Available alphanumeric characters66%75$160,66,21 $6,&&20081,&$7,21675$160,66,21 $552%$1,7+250 $075$160,66,21%$6,&&20081,&$7,216 $55,5/9 32521066$%$6,&&20081,&$7,216 $872=52%$7 6,72153,7&+548163/,75481&235$7,21 +$1&&20081,&$7,21667 75$160,66,215481&67 1+$1&&20081,&$7,216 53$75235$7,2175$160,77,1*$721 &7&66235$7,21 7215481&,6&$1 6HOHFWLQJD7RQHUHTXHQF\ Press AGC/T SEL5266721 665481&,6&$120081,&$7,1*$,6 37,211*2855481  LUHFWUHTXHQF\QWU\ 5&,9,1&5017$/781,1* &20081,&$7,1*$,6$*& $8720$7,&*$,1&21752/ 75$160,66,21 92 92,&235$775$160,66,21  0LFURSKRQH,QSXW/HYHO  HOD\7LPHPress M.IN/ Scan SG.SEL to set your desired delay time 63&+352&6625 75$160,7,1&5017$/781,1*  6SHHFK3URFHVVRUIIHFW75$160,7,1+,%,7 86/2&.287+$1*,1*5481&+,/75$160,77,1  UHTXHQF\5HVSRQVH&XUYHV%5$.,1 7521,&.586,1*60,%5$.,1258//%5$.,1 7521,&.502&20081,&$7,1*$,6 7,02 $872,*+7,1066$*0025 .81&7,215481&&255&7,2125  7UDQVPLWWLQJ&0HVVDJHV &KDQJLQJWKH&6LGHWRQH9ROXPH  ,QVHUW.H\LQJ831.3$/02 &20081,&$7,1*$,6 $872&7,166%02$327$1$6+3$/326,7,216 $7$&20081,&$7,216 $,27/73 577 +$66+,7.,1*%$8 36. A./ Canada Iaru Region Europe/ Africa1*,17551 63,/756+$1*,1*7+63,/75%$1,7+  DWD0RGH5-&7,1*,17551 $872127&+,/75 66% $18$/127&+,/75 66%&6. $7&$1&/ 66%$0 12,6%/$1.5 35$03/,,5$7718$725 5956 5&37,21 0025$7856 0025&+$11/66725,1*$7$,10025  6LPSOH&KDQQHOV0025$7856 00255&$//$16&52 002575$165 0HPRU\5HFDOO  0HPRU\6FUROO0025$7856 6725,1*5481&5$1*648,&.0025 0025&+$11//2&.287$6,1*0025&+$11/6 0025&+$11/1$00025$7856 180%5248,&.0025&+$11/6 6725,1*,17248,&.0025$//,1*48,&.0025&+$11/6 70325$55481&&+$1*61250$/6&$1 926&$1352*5$06&$1 Press and hold Scan SG.SEL6&$1 352*5$06&$13$57,$//6/200256&$1 6&$1 $1+2$15680 $//&+$11/6&$148,&.00256&$1 6&$1 52836&$1 0HPRU\*URXS  6FDQ*URXS6HOHFW235$725&2191,1&6 $1711$6$32 $XWR3RZHU2 $8720$7,&$1711$7815Internal Antenna Tuner Preset Frequency Range MHz $87202235$725&2191,1&6 35677,181&7,21 Mode Morse Code OutputBeep Type Meaning $5$03/,,5&21752 63/$81&7,216 75$16&,9552173$1 352*5$00$%/81&7,21.6523+21.6 2877,05 63548$/,=575$169575 021,725 325781 48,&.$7$75$165203875&21752 235$725&2191,1&6 86,1*48,&.75$16520081,&$7,213$5$0756  7UDQVIHUULQJDWD235$725&2191,1&6 751$/$8,2677,1*6 +$1*,1*7+6,*1$/257+&20750,1$21752//,1*7+766520$3  $XGLR/HYHO6HWWLQJV235$725&2191,1&6 25,1*066$*6 066$*3/$%$ &KHFNLQJ0HVVDJHV  6HQGLQJ0HVVDJHVOperations using VOICE1 Announcement 2167$175&25,192,&*8  &KDQJLQJ0HVVDJH3OD\EDFN9ROXPHFSK REV/ FM/AM SET05*1&&$// .7321/  9RLFH*XLGH$QQRXQFHPHQW9ROXPH 9RLFH*XLGH$QQRXQFHPHQW6SHHG  9RLFH*XLGH$QQRXQFHPHQW/DQJXDJH3$&.7&/8675781 5266%$153$75235$7,21 &200$1 &200$1,,,$*5$0353$5$7,21 6WDUWLQJ6N\&RPPDQG,,RSHUDWLRQ211&7,1*35,3+5$/48,3017 750,1$/6&5,37,21620&211&725 $&&&211&725$7&211&725 IRU$7 &211&725203$7,%/75$16&,95 203875&211&7,1*35,3+5$/48,3017 577235$7,21 +0+/,1$5$03/,,5$1711$7815 71&$10&35266%$153$75 5029,1*7+%27720&$6 167$//,1*237,21692,&*8, 6725$*81,7 627&2 551&5481&&$/,%5$7,21,167$//,1*237,216 TS-590S transceiver without SO-302%,/%5$&.7 35&$87,2167528%/6+227,1 15$/,1250$7,21659 659,&127Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action 7528%/6+227,17528%/6+227,1 Followed7528%/6+227,1 MCP 52352&6625567 $/677,1*692567 567235$7,21127,&6 32568331751$/&22/,1*$1 1751$/%$76237,21$/$&&6625,6 VGS-163&,,&$7,216 63&,,&$7,216 Transmitter SSB/ CW/ FSK/ AMCW/ FSK $XGLRRXWSXW ŸGLVWRUWLRQ
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