1Input A socket, DIN
3REL: the symbol indicates that the instrument is storing the Maximum, Minimum and Q energy values
4MAX: the symbol indicates the maximum value of the chosen unit
5MIN: the symbol indicates the minimum value of the chosen unit
6A, B,
7AUTO: the symbol indicates that the automatic change of scale device is enabled
8°C/°F: key for selecting temperature reading in °C or °F
9lx/fcd: key for selecting reading in lx=lux or fcd=footcandle
10Data reset: the key erases the memory of the maximum, minimum and Q energy values and the integration time
11REC: when this key is pressed, the maximum, minimum and Q energy values and the integration time in seconds, minutes, hours, are stored and updated
12Itime: when this key is pressed in sequence, the integration time that has elapsed appears on the display in s=seconds, m=minutes and h=hours
13MAN: key for choosing the working scale manually
14S, Serial out: the key has two functions. The first of these, when pressing the Q key, makes the value advance towards the top of the acoustic alarm signal inter- vention threshold, the second enables the serial output for one item only and, if pressed for more than 3 seconds, enables the serial output continuously with a fixed rate of 10 seconds
15Q energy: when the key is pressed, followed by the Sand Gkeys, this sets the threshold value above which the alarm intervenes
16A: key for activating the display of input A
18SUB D male
19Input B socket, DIN 8-pole connector
21lx: symbol indicating that the reading is in lux
23fcd/m2: symbol indicating that the measurement is in footcandle m2
24°C: symbol indicating that the temperature measurement is in °C
25°F: symbol indicating that the temperature measurement is in °F
26Wm2: symbol indicating that the measurement is in Wm2
27Q energy: symbol indicating the quantity of energy in the integration time X
28m: integration time in minutes
29s: integration time in seconds
30h: integration time in hours
31ON/OFF: key for switching the instrument on or off
32DATA CALL: key for calling and reading on the display the stored maximum, mini- mum and Q values
33AUTO: this key enables the automatic change of scale function of the instrument
34G, after the Q energy key has been pressed, this key reduces the threshold value above which the acoustic alarm intervenes
35B: key for activating the display of input B.
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