MIDI Program Change Commands
The Xboard has the ability to transmit a different MIDI Program Change command on each of the 16 MIDI channels. This feature can only be programmed using the Xboard Control software.
MIDI Bank Select Commands
The Xboard also transmits MIDI bank select commands using MIDI continuous controller numbers. Continuous Controller (CC) 0 is the MSB (most significant byte) and CC 32 is the LSB (least significant byte). Normally you send both the MSB and LSB controllers to implement a bank change.
The selected bank remains selected until you change it (either via MIDI or by changing the bank from the display). Standard MIDI Program Change commands select from 128 presets within the selected bank.
Footpedal Wiring
The potentiometer value can be anywhere from 10K ohms to 250K ohms in value. Pedals with these specifications are available at any music dealer.
Wiring | Ring | Sleeve Tip |
10K - 250K | Tip |
| Sleeve | Ring |
Xboard | 65 |