Zone Temperature Sensor (ZTS) Test
Note: These procedures are not for programmable or digital models and are conducted with the Zone Sensor Module electrically removed from the system.
Test 1
Zone Temperature Thermistor (ZTEMP)
This component is tested by measuring the resistance between terminals 1 and 2 on the Zone Temperature Sensor. Below are some typical indoor temperatures, and corresponding resistive values.
Table 8.
| Nominal | Nominal CSP |
| ZTEMP | or HSP |
Zone Temperature | Resistance | Resistance | |
50 F° | 10.0 C° | 19.9 | 889 Ohms |
55 F° | 12.8 C° | 17.47 | 812 Ohms |
60 F° | 15.6 C° | 15.3 | 695 Ohms |
65 F° | 18.3 C° | 13.49 | 597 Ohms |
70 F° | 21.1 C° | 11.9 | 500 Ohms |
75 F° | 23.9 C° | 10.50 | 403 Ohms |
80 F° | 26.7 C° | 9.3 | 305 Ohms |
85 F° | 29.4 C° | 8.25 | 208 Ohms |
90 F° | 32.2 C° | 7.3 | 110 Ohms |
Test 2
Cooling Set Point (CSP) and Heating Set Point (HSP)
The resistance of these potentiometers are measured between the following ZSM terminals. Refer to the chart above for approximate resistances at the given setpoints.
Cool SP = Terminals 2 and 3
Range = 100 to 900 Ohms approximate
Heat SP = Terminals 2 and 5
Range = 100 to 900 Ohms approximate
52 | Packaged Heat Pump • |