2-6-2-3 Linking to Trends Screen
A measurement may be linked to the Trend Graph by highlighting an individual measurement and then closing the Blood Pressure Data List. When opened, the Trends Screen will be aligned with the time of the highlighted measurement in the Blood Pressure Data List. This feature may be used to pinpoint the position of an individual measurement on the Trend Graph.
2-6-3 Trends Screen
The Trends function is used to visualize trends in a patient’s blood pressure, pulse, MAP and DP calculation over time. The Trends Screen is a useful diagnostic tool to determine nocturnal dips and related peaks and troughs in the patient’s circadian rhythm.
The Trends function provides graphic representation of the data file. The Trends function is dependent on the following parameters:
♦Partial Analysis
♦BP Mode (Measurement Method)
♦Sleep Interval
♦Blood Pressure Limits
The following four trends can be displayed in the Trend function:
♦Systolic/Diastolic Blood Pressure (BP Trend):
The vertical axis represents millimeters of mercury (mmHg) and the horizontal axis represents time. A vertical dotted line connects the measurement’s systolic and diastolic pressures. This line may be used to estimate the pulse pressure2.
♦Pulse (Pulse Trend):
The vertical axis represents beats per minute (BPM) and the horizontal axis represents time.
♦Mean Arterial Blood Pressure (MAP Trend):
The vertical axis represents millimeters of mercury (mmHg) and the horizontal axis represents time. The MAP Trend may be displayed on its own or in combination with the BP Trend. If the MAP Trend is combined with the BP Trend, it will appear between the Systolic and Diastolic Trend lines.
♦Double Product:
The vertical axis represents mmHg・bpm and the horizontal axis represents time.
2 The Pulse Pressure is the difference between the Systolic and Diastolic blood pressures.