3-2 Communication Errors
When communicating between the monitor and the PC, the following dialog box may appear if the communication setup is not performed properly:
Figure 34: Communications Error dialog box
If this error occurs, complete the steps below:
Step 1 Click the OK button on the Error dialog box.
Step 2 Check the monitor's battery. Recharge the battery if necessary. Or replace with new batteries.
Step 3 Check the Default Serial Port selection. Make sure it is correct. Step 4 Check the Default Recorder Type selection. Make sure it is correct.
Step 5 Disconnect the monitor from the processor and reconnect them.
Step 6 Attempt communication. You may need to go through the process a few times to re- establish communication.
If the error still persists, complete the steps below: Step 1 Exit the software.
Step 2 Disconnect the monitor from the processor and reconnect them.
Step 3 Charge the monitor's battery.
Step 6 Check the Default Serial Port selection. Make sure it is correct.
Step 7 Check the Default Recorder Type selection. Make sure it is correct.
Step 8 Attempt communication again.