Chapter 2. Using the Base Station
Your addIT base station consists of the receiver (A720B), the power supply (A720PS), and addVANTAGE Lite software.
Note: If you are using the addIT RTU as part of an A730 system, this chapter does not apply to you. For information about the addIT RTU, see “Using the RTU” on page 13. For infor- mation about installing an A730 base station, refer to the addVANTAGE A730 User Guide or the addVANTAGE A730 Releases Notes for Version 3.35.
Opening the packages
You get several boxes when you purchase the addIT base station.
When you open them, you’ll see they contain:
•The A720B receiver and ring clamp
•The A720PS power supply, serial cable, and power cord
•The addVANTAGE Lite software on a