Gaming API and Sound
- The width of the region; height - The height of the region; and rgbData - The array of RGB pixel values.
•public static void setPixels(javax.microedition.lcdui.Image dest, int[] rgbData) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, IllegalArgumentException – Sets RGB pixel data in the entirety of the destination image. The data must be stored in the int array in
•public static Image getScaleImage(javax.microedition.lcdui.Image src, int width,
int height, int method) throws IllegalArgumentException – Creates a scaled version of the source image using the desired scaling method. All platforms must implement the SCALE_REPLICATE scaling method; other scaling methods may be optionally supported. SCALE_REPLICATE is used if the requested scaling method is not supported by the device. The method parameters are the following: src - the source Image; width - the width, in pixels, of the new Image, height - the height, in pixels, of the new Image, and method - The desired method to be used to scale the image data (see the item 0).
Using ImageUtil
The following code sample uses an image (tank.png) to create a data structure
(rgbData) to stores the RGB pixel data. The rgbData is used to draw the same image.
The following is a code sample to show implementation of rgbData:
try {
Image tank = Image.createImage("tank.png");
}catch(Exception e) {
//The image can't be loaded
//creates a data structure to stores the RGB pixel data from Image
int rgbData[] = new int[tank.getHeight()*tank.getWidth()];
//Stores the RGB pixel data from Image ImageUtil.getPixels(tank,rgbData);
//Draws the image pixel by pixel with the respective RGB pixel data
for (i=0;i<tank.getHeight();i++) { for (j=0;j<tank.getWidth();j++) {
g.setColor(rgbData[i*tank.getWidth() + j]); g.fillRect(j,i,1,1);