PalleteImage Class
PaletteImage provides methods for manipulating the color palette data of an image. PaletteImages can only be created with
A single palette entry or the entire palette can be retrieved as a series of RGB values in 0xRRGGBB format (MIDP color format). The effects of the palette changes will be visible in the next Image that is generated.
The following will be supported:
•Single color transparency: the entire palette may be fully opaque, or a single palette entry may be designated as being fully transparent. Alpha channels are not supported.
Once the palette entries have been set to the desired values, a MIDP Image object is retrieved that reflects the new palette settings.
PalleteImage Constructor
The PalleteImage class defines the following constructors:
•PalleteImage(byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws IOException - Creates a new PalleteImage using the provided image data.
•PalleteImage (java.lang.String name) throws IOException -
Creates a new PaletteImage using the provided image data in a named resource.
PalleteImage Methods
The PalleteImage class defines the following methods:
•public Image getImage() - Creates and returns a new Image object using this PaletteImage. The Image returned will reflect the PaletteImage’s original pixel data and current palette data. This method enables the developer to easily generate a series of differently colored images by adjusting palette data.
•public int getTransparentIndex() – Gets the current transparent index. Pixels that reference the transparent index in the palette are not drawn when the image is rendered. By default, the transparent index is