14 iTAP
Intelligent Keypad Text Entry API
When users are using features such as SMS (short message service), or “Text Messaging”, they can opt for a predictive text entry method from the series of handsets. The J2ME environment has the ability to use SMS in its API listing. The use of a predictive entry method is a compelling feature to the MIDlet.
This API will enable a developer to access iTAP, Numeric, Symbol and Browse text entry methods. With previous J2ME products, the only method available was the standard use of TAP.
Predictive text entry allows a user to simply type in the letters of a word using only one key press per letter, as apposed to the TAP method that can require as many as four or more key presses. The use of the iTAP method can greatly decrease
The following J2ME text input components will support iTAP.
The TextBox class is a Screen that allows the user to edit and enter text.
ATextField is an editable text component that will be placed into a Form. It is given a piece of text that is used as the initial value.