vendor="Motorola" version="1.0" date="20010101" adf="DESC.jad" >
<file name="Digital Clock" href="clock.jar" type="jar" size="10000" vendor="Motorola" version="1.0" date="20010101" adf="DESC.jad" >
This is a digital clock running on your series of handsets.
<file name="Bouncing Ball" href="bounce.jar" type="jar" size="6000" vendor="Sun" version="1.0" date="20010101" adf="Bounce.jad" >
An example illustrating a bouncing ball on your screen.
<file name="Bomb Man" href="bombman.jar" type="jar" size="21645" vendor="Motorola" version="1.0" date="20010101" adf="DESC.jad" >
BombMan is back, now on your Taichi series of handsets.
<dir name=”New Games” href=”games/index.xml”>
This is a directory full of games.
<a href=”index2.xml”>
Next page.
Screen Renderings
No rendering will be done based on this tag and the notice will be displayed as its own screen. This notice shall be displayed and acted on befor the rest of the page is rendered. The Caption attribute of the <notice> tag will be displayed as the title of the page. The type attribute will determ which softkeys are displayed.
Type=okcancel will display the left softkey as OK and the right softkey as CANCEL
--This is the legal term. The end user must agree
The text between the open and close of the <dir> tag will be rendered as plain text on the page.