© Siemens AG 2011
Special characteristics
of SINAUT ST7 communication
Up to 10 000 stations can be addressed with SINAUT ST7. Information on the source and target addresses is included in the message frames. The functionality of SINAUT ST7 communication is particularly characterized by the follow- ing features:
Change-driven data transmission
•Signaling of failures in connections, RTUs or the control center
•Automatic data updating for all communication part- ners involved following troubleshooting and following the startup of an RTU or control center
Chronological processing of process data
•Time tagging of all data frames at the place of origin al- lows process data to be archived by the process control system in the correct chronological order
•The time of the SINAUT ST7 stations in the WAN can be synchronized via SIMATIC PCS 7 (including summer- time/wintertime switchover)
Local data storage
•Depending on the version, the TIM communication module can temporarily store (for several hours or even days) up to 56 000 message frames should the connec- tion or the communication partner fail
•Intermediate storage of message frames of lower prior- ity in the case of
Remote programming and remote diagnostics
•Remote diagnostics and remote programming over the WAN using the "PG routing" function
•PG routing shares the available bandwidth with the pro- cess data transmission, but has a higher priority
•Uploads, downloads, remote diagnostics, firmware up- grades or changes in automation functions on the sta- tions can be carried out online from the control center in SIMATIC PCS 7
Alarm output per text message
•The RTUs can send text messages depending on events in order to alarm personnel on call
•Receipt of messages can be acknowledged from a mobile phone
•Depending on the services offered by the mobile radio provider, the text message can also be output as an
Technological configuration with the
SIMATIC water library
The SIMATIC water library from Siemens supports effective configuration of the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system with technological function blocks for implementing applica- tions for water supply and disposal.
These technological function blocks can now also be used on the basis of the SINAUT ST7 telecontrol protocol. The telecon- trol functions are integrated using additive blocks in the CFC, i.e. without modifying the existing technological function blocks or the associated block symbols and faceplates. The philosophy of SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl with regard to uni-
form process control of central and remote units using an
SIMATIC water library: block symbol and faceplate for a valveoperator system is thus extended in the direction of uniform engineering. Standardization and reuse of the