22 | Vega’s | Guard/Hold Frequencies
The top line of this screen shows the frequency of the Guard and Hold tone components of a tone burst. In the default example, 2175 is the guard and hold tone frequency.
On this screen the technician is able to use the PROG buttons to select which tone frequency will be used for the Guard and Hold tones of the burst. If PROG2 is pressed, for example, the display cursor shall toggle through frequencies (in this case, the first “2175” text.) Eight selectable frequencies are available for the Guard and Hold (2155, 2175, 2300, 2325, 2500, 2600, 2800 and 2970Hz). The notch filter is automatically changed to match the Hold tone.
PROG2 – Toggles to previous tone frequency. PROG3 – Toggles to next tone frequency. PROG4 – Return to Tone Settings Screen .
Grd&Hld Freq= 2175Hz Prev next back
PROG1 PROG2 PROG3 PROG4 Guard/Hold Duration’s
The top line of this screen has two numbers representing the duration of each of the tone components of a tone burst. In the default example, 130/200, 130 is the length in milliseconds that the guard tone is transmitted. 200 is the number of milliseconds that the console shall remain in the PTT condition after the PTT signal has been removed. This provides a debounce function for the tone burst.
On this screen the technician is able to use the PROG buttons to select which tone duration to modify. If PROG1 is pressed, for example, the display cursor shall jump to the Guard tone setting. The technician can then enter a new setting by way of the DTMF keypad. Magnitude limits apply. The acceptable range for the tones is 40 to 500 milliseconds in 10ms increments.
PROG1 - Adjust Guard tone duration. PROG3 - Adjust Hold tone duration.
PROG4 - return to the Single Tone Settings Screen. DTMF keypad (numbers only) - modify the settings. Test Tone Screen
Duration 130/200
Guard | Hold | back |
This screen allows the technician to control the tone generators on the console to facilitate testing. Pressing the PROG1 or PROG2 button activates the associated alert tones. This tone is transmitted out the line immediately upon the key being pressed and will stop of the button is pressed again or change to the other alert tone by pressing the other button. This procedure is different from the normal tone function as there is no tone burst or hold tone associated with the alert tone. Altering the programming of the Alert key can program the actual alert tones.
PROG1 - Pressed on/off alert tone 1.
PROG2 - Pressed on/off alert tone 2.
PROG4 - return to the Test Tone Screen. AUX Input Enable
The AUX Input is used to route AUX Audio IN to the selected line when AUX PTT is pulled low, otherwise AUX PTT is a footswitch input and MIC audio is routed.
PROG1 - Toggle AUX IN Mode Enabled/Disabled. PROG4 - Return to Menu 4.
Alert Test | back | |
1 | 2 | |
AUX Input: Enabled