If you don’t want a participant to listen as you set up the rest of the conference call, touch Hold before repeating this procedure. To take the person off hold:
●Touch Conference.
●Touch the button for the line you put on hold.
If you have several lines on hold, repeat this procedure for each one.
To remove yourself from a conference call without ending the call:
●Touch Hold.
To rejoin the call:
●Touch a button associated with a line active in the call.
To disconnect a busy or unanswered line when you’re trying to set up a conference call, or to disconnect one person at a time from a conference call:
●Touch Drop.
●Touch the button of the line to disconnect.
If you’re setting up a conference call, remember to touch Con- ference again before trying to add another call to the conference.
NOTE: You must use the Drop feature when you want to discon- nect one person from a conference call. If you press the switch- hook, you end the call.