5-12 Directory Application
Step 5 Press the soft key for OK to start the data upload to the designated server and then press the control key for Back to close the upload window.
Changing Directory Character Font Size
Step 1 Press the control key for Display. The Display menu opens.
Step 2 Using the cursor key, select Font Size and then press Enter (on the
Inaset lower panel).
Step 3 At the Change Font Size dialog box, use the cursor key to select the
Normal or Large font size and press the Inaset Enter key.
Step 4 Press the soft key for OK to complete the change. The character size of the directory will now reflect the change.
Sorting Directory List
Step 1 Press the control key for Display. The Display menu opens.
Step 2 Using the cursor key, select Sort and then press Enter (on the Inaset lower panel).
Step 3 At the Change Sort Key dialog box, select a condition for sorting list data:
—Use the cursor key to select Keyword, and press Enter to sort the directory in alphabetical order by keyword.
—Use the cursor key to select No., and press Enter to sort the directory in numeric order by entry number.
—Use the cursor key to select Company, and press Enter to sort the directory in alphabetical order by company name.
Step 4 Select an order for the sort:
—Use the cursor key to select Ascending, and press Enter to sort data in ascending order.
—Use the cursor key to select Descending, and press Enter to sort data in descending order.
Step 5 Press OK to complete the sort. The data in the directory list is sorted in the specified order.