Call barring password (4 digits)
This password is used to bar various types of calls, made or received, from the phone (see Call barring password, page 41).
Phonelock code (4 digits)
This code is set to all zeros on deliv- ery. You can change it. Once changed it cannot be identified by the manufacturer over the phone. Please refer to page Phone lock code, page 39 for more details.
We advise you remind of these codes and make yourself familiar with their purpose and operation.
Disposing of waste packaging
The packaging used for this phone is made of recyclable materials and as such should be disposed of in accord- ance with your national legislation on the protection of the environment.
Please take care to separate the card- board and plastic elements and to dis- pose of them in the correct manner.
Emergency calls
You can make emergency calls by dial- ling the European standard emergency number 112 even if there is no SIM card in your phone. Emergency calls can even be made if the phone is PIN or electronically locked or call barred. In some countries local emergency num- bers can still be used for emergency purposes but the phone may have to contain a valid SIM card.
When making an emergency call re- member to give all the necessary infor- mation as accurately as possible. The phone may be the only means of com- munication at the scene of an emergen- cy therefore do not cut off the call until told to do so.
Mobile phones rely on wireless and landline net- works which cannot be guaranteed in all condi- tions. Therefore you should never rely solely on wireless phones for essential emergency commu- nications.