6Fill in the requested informa- tion (contact your service pro- vider to get all necessary parameters) and select Save to store the entered data.
Circuit = CSD connection
Packet = GPRS connection
Viewing the connection details
1Press . Select Connecti- vity.
2Select Connection manager .
3Select Data counters .
4Select Circuit counters or GPRS counters to view the connection details (bytes during connection). Then select Details to get the details per connection profile.
Resetting the connection counters
1Press . Select Connecti- vity.
2Select Connection manager .
3Select Data counters .
4Select Reset counters and select Yes. Enter the Lock code (the default lock code is
All the files received via the infrared port are stored in the Connectivity in- box. It allows the storing of data re- ceived from various entries: IrDA, WAP™, SMS (Nokia™ smart messages only).
The objects are queued in the inbox and can be retrieved by object type: Task card, images, melodies, Event card, Business card,...
Specific dedicated downloads are not in-
serted in this queue (e.g. melodies are di- rectly stored in the Tones
To display the inbox contents:
1Press . Select Connecti- vity.
2Select Inbox .
3Use the Use or to scroll the Inbox and view your files.
The received files list is displayed, from the latest received file to the earliest. The corresponding icon and the file extension type are also shown. Icons define the file type (images, melodies, vcard, ...). The following actions are availa- ble in the Options menu: De- lete, Delete all, Store, Details, Send by SMS and Send by IrDA (you can also get access to the Set as logo, Set as wallpaper, View, or Play according to the received file type: image, melody,...).
To consult the free space in the In- box memory:
1Press . Select Connecti- vity.
2Select Statistics . The total remaining memory space and the memory used information are displayed.