*12 Turn this feature off if you prefer not to hear key tones while you are dialling or pressing any keys, including confirmation tones and error tones.
*13 If you subscribe to a Caller ID service and want to view the caller’s information after lifting up the handset to answer a call, turn off this feature.
*14 The recall time depends on your telephone exchange or host PBX. Contact your PBX supplier if necessary.
You can access your service provider/telephone company “call waiting” service by having the recall time set at “100 ms”, and then follow your service provider/ telephone company “call waiting” instructions to operate this service. (for Australia)
*15 The default setting will be as follows if you select the following regional code when changing the unit’s region setting (page 38):
“Newzealand” = “600 ms”
*16 Generally, the line mode setting should not be changed. This setting automatically maintains receiver volume at the proper level depending on the current telephone line condition. Set the line mode to “A” if telephone line
condition is not good.