LV307, LV308
Manufacturer declarations
RF signal indication
Connecting the headphones
Configure the receiver
Replacement parts
Accessories and spare parts
Starting the setup menu
Page 59
Manufacturer declarations
Page 58
Page 60
Image 59
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Page 60
Tourguide UHF
Thank you for choosing Sennheiser
Important safety instructions
Power source
Replacement parts
Safety check
Do not solder
Safety instructions for Lithium-Ion rechargeable batteries
System components
Tourguide UHF system
Operating controls
Special features
EK 1038 receiver
Operation and battery status indication
Segments Capacity approx % Battery icon flashing LOW BAT
RF signal indication
Preparing for use
Inserting and changing the battery pack/batteries
How to properly use the battery pack or the batteries
Connecting the headphones
Switching the channel
Using the receiver
Switching the receiver on/off
Adjusting the volume
Attaching the receiver to clothing
Configure the receiver
Menu is given within the chapter The setup menu
Operating menu of the receiver
Function of the buttons in the setup menu
Starting the setup menu
Software stored on a chip in the device
Getting into the operating menu of the setup menu
Getting into the setting mode of a menu
Selecting a menu
Exiting the setup menu
Adjusting a setting
Storing a setting
Canceling the entry
Setup menu of the receiver
Changing the receiving frequencies of the channels
Adjustment tips for the setup menu
Activating/deactivating the lock mode
Locking channels for the user
Releasing locked channels
Adjusting the squelch threshold
Copy function
Limiting the volume at the headphone output
Displaying the revision of the firmware
Quick charger
LED indications
Do not place the receiver on delicate surfaces
Setting up the charger
Switching the charger on or off
Cascading several chargers
Compartments As shown Red LED
Using the charger
Care and maintenance
Charging the rechargeable battery BA
SK 100 G2 / SK 300 G2 / SK 500 G2
Channel bank system
Quick charger
Delivery includes
SKM 100 G2 / SKM 300 G2 / SKM 500 G2 radiomicrophones
Changing the microphone module
Inserting and changing the battery
Switching the radiomicrophone on/off
Using the radiomicrophone
Muting the radiomicrophone
SK 100 G2 / SK 300 G2 / SK 500 G2 bodypack transmitters
Inserting and charging the accupack
Positioning the microphones
Connecting the microphone/line cable
Attaching the microphones
Use the microphone clips
Play appears on the display panel
Using the bodypack transmitter
Switching the transmitter on/off
Muting the transmitter
Microphone input, XLR-3 socket Button UP Unbalanced
SKP 100 G2 / SKP 500 G2 plug-on transmitters
Plugging the transmitter onto the microphone
Betriebs- und Batterieanzeige
Mute display
LC display panel Evolution wireless transmitters G
Battery status indication
LC display panel
Display backlighting
Pilot display
Overview of menus
Exiting the operating menu
Working with the operating menu
Getting into the operating menu
Overview of the operating menu of the transmitters
Selecting the frequencies to be stored in the channel
Switching between channel banks
Switching between the channels in a channel bank
Adjusting the sensitivity
SKP 500 G2 only
Switching the phantom powering on/off
Entering a name
Loading the factory-preset default settings
Selecting the standard display
Exiting the operating menu
Activating/deactivating the lock mode
Activating/deactivating the pilot tone transmission
Deactivate the muting function
Error checklist
Set transmitter and receiver to
…for the bodypack transmitters
Recommendations and tips
For the receiver EK
For the radiomicrophones
HDX noise reduction
Progress you can hear
Quick charger
Accessories and spare parts
SKP 100 G2 / SKP 500 G2 plug-on transmitter
SK 100 G2 / SK 300 G2 / SK 500 G2 bodypack transmitter
EK 1038 receiver
Plug-in mains units
Evolution wireless transmitters G
Deep discharge recovery charge
Automatic security switch-off after 6 h at the latest
Tune Chan
Channel assignment
Manufacturer declarations
Statements regarding FCC and industry Canada
Weee Declaration
Manufacturer declarations
Related pages
Parts List for Kicker SS65.2
Why does
the TV Signal Information
say unavailable?