D1.8 Seismic Supplement Welding Manual
Lincoln Electric Products
The Lincoln Electric Company offers a broad range of filler metals capable of meeting the requirements of AWS D1.8 Seismic Welding Supplement. Whether your choice of welding process is SMAW,
To save our customers time and money, Lincoln has already performed various tests required by AWS
D1.8 on select on select Innershield®, Outershield®, UltraCore®, Metalshield®, and Lincolnweld® products. Additionally, select Excalibur® and SuperArc® products that meet all D1.8 requirements for Demand Critical welds are available.
As a benefit to customers, Lincoln Electric has added the following symbol to labels, literature and packaging of all D1.8 qualified electrodes:
Structural Welding Code Seismic Supplement
For the most
please refer to electrode information listed at www.lincolnelectric.com.
Many factors must be considered when selecting the best electrode for a specific project. One of the most important factors is for the filler metal to meet the applicable specification requirements. Additionally, the filler metal and the procedures used with that filler metal must produce a weld which is suitable for the application. While AWS D1.8 does not require welding procedure qualification, it is nevertheless essential that the procedure used follow good welding practice in order to ensure sound welds with the requisite mechanical properties. Weld metal soundness and mechanical properties are dependent on many variables, including the base metal, preheat and interpass temperature, heat input, bead sizes and other factors. If there are uncertainties as to whether or not the combination of welding parameters to be employed on the project are appropriate, the customer is encouraged to perform suitable tests to ensure that quality weld will be achieved.
The three possible types of welds in D1.8 are:
Welds that are not part of the SFRS
Welds that are part of the SFRS but not Demand Critical Welds that are part of the SFRS and are Demand Critical
For welds in the first category, no special provisions beyond normal D1.1 requirements apply.