WARNING: Risk of Electrical Shock
| What Could Happen | How To Prevent It |
| Your air compressor is powered by | Never operate the compressor outdoors | |
| electricity. Like any other electrically | when it is raining or in wet conditions. | |
| powered device, If it is not used | Never operate compressor with | |
| properly it may cause electric shock. | ||
| protective covers removed or damaged. | ||
| ||
| Repairs attempted by unqualified | Any electrical wiring or repairs required | |
| personnel can result in serious injury | on this product should be performed by | |
| or death by electrocution. | authorized service center personnel in | |
| accordance with national and local | |
| electrical codes. | |
| Electrical Grounding: Failure to provide | Make certain that the electrical circuit to | |
| adequate grounding to this product | which the compressor is connected | |
| could result in serious injury or death | provides proper electrical grounding, | |
| from electrocution. | correct voltage and adequate fuse | |
| See grounding instructions. | protection. | |
WARNING: Risk of Breathing
What Could Happen | How To Prevent It |
The compressed air directly from your | Air obtained directly from the compressor |
compressor is not safe for breathing. | should never be used to supply air for |
The air stream may contain carbon | human consumption. In order to use air |
monoxide, toxic vapors, or solid | produced by this compressor for |
particles from the tank. Breathing these | breathing, suitable filters and |
contaminants can cause serious injury | safety equipment must be properly |
or death. | installed. |
| equipment used in conjunction with the |
| compressor must be capable of treating |
| air to all applicable local and federal |
| codes prior to human consumption. |
Sprayed materials such as paint, paint | Work in an area with good cross |
solvents, paint remover, insecticides, | ventilation. Read and follow the safety |
weed killers, may contain harmful | instructions provided on the label or |
vapors and poisons. | safety data sheets for the materials you |
| are spraying. Use a NIOSH/ MSHA |
| approved respirator designed for use with |
| your specific application. |
A08598 | 6- ENG |