SM 1619X04464
and remove it from the work before switching the tool off. Operating your sander in this manner will pro ongl switch and motor life, and greatly increase the quality of your work.
Move the sander in long steady strokes parallel to the grain using some lateral motion to overlap the strokes by as much as 75%. DO NOT apply exces sive pressure — let the tool do the work but always make sure the pad is parallel to the work surface. Ex cessive pressure will result in poor handling, vibration, and unwanted sanding marks (Fig. 17).
FIG. 17
If the surface is rough, begin with coarser grits and then complete the surfacing with medium and fine abra sives. To avoid uneven results, do not skip more than one grit size when going from coarser to finer, and do not sand in one area for too long. When the job is completed, gently lift the tool from the work surface and slide switch to the "OFF" position.
Use light pressure and a circular or overlapping mo iont to remove scratches and corrosion or pol shi a surface. If using a compound, use only as much as necessary and do not use the dust ex ract iont feature.
When working in very confined areas or louvered panels, the pad extension plate should be used.
Clean the buffing or mesh pads with mild deter- gents and warm water. DO NOT use solvents.
Application Advice
Use the tool with its standard backing pad for large work surfaces, corners and edges (Fig. 18).
Use the tool with special sanding attachments for hard to reach areas (Fig. 19).
The flexible sanding attachment is intended for rounding edged surfaces (Fig. 20a).
The flexible sanding can also be used on all rounded surfaces with a maximum diameter of 10 cm (Fig. 20b).
FIG. 18